Ancient Cheese/SAGE

From Pizza Tower Wiki

Unfinished? Not on my watch!
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  • Maybe expand some parts?
  • Add trivia.

The Ancient Cheese is the second level in SAGE 2019 Demo of Pizza Tower.

It was first introduced in Blue Block Land, with a slightly different layout and no graphics.

Level Revisions

Blue Block Land

  • Cold Spaghetti played throughout the whole level.
  • A shotgun pickup could be found in the first room.
  • The first room's layout was different, with the right side not having a slope, and the left side having a vertical set of Cheese Blocks.
  • The Cheese Blocks in the third room were placed differently.
  • The Baddie Spawner in the fourth room and the tenth room contained a Pizza Box Goblin instead of a Bomb.
  • The Pizzamart and Pizza Coins were missing.
  • The seventh room did not have John Blocks.
  • The eighth room had two Pencers instead of one, and had more cheese blocks. The player also had to super jump to access the Box of Pizzas.
  • The fourth secret had a Bomb Block blocking the entrance.
  • The eleventh room's entrance was in a different spot, being in the eighth room. It also had an extra part featuring a bomb block and a Pizza Box Goblin at the start of the room.

Coop Build

  • The exit gate was moved to the first room instead of being in the third room.

Entrance Build

Western Build

  • Room names were added.
  • In the first version of that build, the third room was modified due to how the Super Jump worked in that version.

Beach and Forest

  • Bomb Blocks were removed from the fourth, seventh and tenth room, with the bomb spawners in said rooms also being removed.
  • The fifth and sixth secret got blocked off by Bomb Blocks.
  • The Bomb transformation is only accessible through Pizza Box Goblins.

April 2021 Build

  • The escape rooms were added.
  • A few minor changes to certain rooms were done, such as Pillar John being moved in the tenth room.


This level contains the following enemies:


  • Ball — initiated by slipping on slopes or by getting kicked by a Pepperoni Goblin.
  • Bomb - initiated by grabbing a bomb from a Pizza Box Goblin.
  • Knight - initiated by getting zapped by a Pizzard.





In the second room, located under a bridge of Cheese Blocks.


In the fifth room, located under a platform, which is blocked off by small Breakable Blocks that can be broken by rolling or by getting kicked by a Pepperoni Goblin.


In the sixth room, located on a platform.


In the eleventh room, located on Breakable Blocks when entering the room. Impossible to pass by.


In the ninth room, located on the long bridge of Cheese Blocks.

Tower Secret Treasure


In the eight room, located inside a wall. It is easy to spot. The Tower Secret Treasure is a can of beans.

Secret Rooms

Secret Room 1

The first secret is located in the third room, inside a wall by the right platform.

In this secret, the player collects a Giant Pizza.

Secret Room 2

The second secret is located in the sixth room, inside a wall accessible by rolling or by slipping on a slope.

In this secret, the player collects a Giant Pizza after rolling and breaking small Pizza Blocks.

Secret Room 3

The third secret is located in the seventh room, inside a wall.

In this secret, the player breaks Breakable Blocks and Pizza Blocks across the room, along with Pizza Box Goblins.

Secret Room 4

The fourth secret is located inside the ninth room, under the long bridge of Cheese Blocks.

In this secret, the player breaks Pizza Blocks on top of the platform.

Secret Room 5

The fifth secret is located inside the room with Pillar John, inside a wall.

In this secret, the player breaks Breakable Blocks and Pizza Blocks that are in the way.

Secret Room 6

The sixth secret is located in the eleventh room, inside a Box of Pizzas. Can be seen easily when entering the room.

In this secret, the player must slip on a slope to kill Forknights.


The level's soundtrack

Mr. Sauceman - Theatrical Shenanigans (Early)
ClascyJitto - Theatrical Mischief
ClascyJitto – hmmm look what u done did you found a secret :)





Hub assets

In-level Text

Main Rooms

  • Ruins of the Pizza Tower
  • Ruined Exploration
  • This was once a Bathroom
  • Meet the Bomb Goblin
  • Boring Ruin
  • No Tourist Allowed
  • Roundabout Route
  • And Who Might You Be?
  • No Crackers
  • Very Very Old Cheese
  • Ancient Gods and PB

Secret Rooms

  • And this was my Bedroom
  • Hidden and Ancient Pizza
  • Ancient Ball Destruction
  • No Cheese Here
  • Dashing Maniac
  • Invincible Man of Ball
  • More Placeholder