Don't Make A Sound/April 2021

From Pizza Tower Wiki

Kids Party is the twentieth level in April 2021 Build of Pizza Tower. It is the first revision of the level.

It is drastically different from every other revision of the level. It is a huge open level that the player needs to find keys in to progress. Toppin Monsters can freely move between the rooms as the player collects their respective Toppins. It also features a life system, which allows to the player to survive an encounter with a Toppin Monster 4 times, and upon depleting sends the player back to the start of the main portion of the level. Toppin Monsters, upon catching the player, teleport back to the top floor of the stage. Once the Pizza Time starts, the life counter no longer goes down.


This level contains the following enemies:



Map of the level


Tower Secret Treasure in this level is absent.



In the fifth room of the first floor, out in the open.


In the first room of the first floor, out in the open.


In the fifth room of the fifth floor, near the top.


In the first room of the fifth floor, at the end of the room.


In the Pillar John room, during Pizza Time, out in the open.

Secret Rooms

Secret Room 1

In the third room of the first room, in the top right corner inside a Box of Pizzas.

This secret consists of multiple platforms with Pizza Points on them and two Mushroom Ghosts that follow the player, which teleport them out of the room upon contact.

Secret Room 2

In the second room of the fourth floor, inside a Box of Pizzas with a Clownmato nearby.

In this secret, the player needs to destroy Breakable Blocks to let a Clownmato pass through, and then use it to jump up towards a Giant Pizza.

Secret Room 3

In the first room of the fourth floor, inside a Box of Pizzas.

This secret contains several ladders, climbing up which leads the player to the Pizza Blocks, and the Mushroom Ghosts.

Secret Room 4

In the second room of the fifth floor, inside a Box of Pizzas, hidden within Breakable Blocks.

This secret has a single long corridor, full of Pizza Points, as well as two Mushroom Ghosts.

Secret Room 5

In the fifth room of the fifth floor, in the top left corner of the room.

This secret contains Pizza Points at the end of both sides of the room, as well as tons of Pizzaboys.

Secret Room 6

During Pizza Time, in the fourth room of the second floor, inside a Box of Pizzas behind a set of Target Blocks.

This secret is a simple room, with Target Blocks, Balloons, and full of Pizza Points.

