Oregano Desert/Gallery
From Pizza Tower Wiki
Regular sprites
Background #1. A desert with giant pizzas in the background.
Background Decoration #1. Dark clouds appearing at ceiling level
Decoration #1. Giant Rock
Pizzamart background, showing various cans of chicken and pizza on the shelves.
Background #2. A dark yellow sky with clouds and giant spotlight.
Background Decoration #2. Light moving clouds
Background Decoration #3. Large mountain rock
Background #3. A dark rocky cavern
The entrance to the UFO.
Background #4. The slightly dark interior of the crashed UFO.
The UFO leaving during Pizza Time.
Breakable block sprites.
Tilesets used in the desert section.
Tilesets used in the cavern section.
Tilesets used inside the Pizzamarts.
Tilesets used in the UFO section.
Hub assets
Oregano Desert's level gate, a rocky archway with cacti and sand.
Level gate background. Yellow sky.
Level gate background decoration #1. Desert with pizzas.
Level gate background decoration #2. Rocks.
Level's icon on Pizza Granny sign.
Level's title card.
Level's name in Chef Tasks room.
Scrapped sprites
Original version of Background #1.
Background. A version of the desert background at night.
Background. A version of the desert with a dark sky, pizzas with eyes and mouths in the background with a meteor falling.
Background decoration. A large rock.
Background #2. A desert ravine with cacti growing on the walls. A version with a different color palette is used in the Western district secret room.
Original version of Background #2, slightly brighter.
Background #4. The top of the crashed UFO, showing the desert out of the glass dome.
Oregano Desert on the HUD. Seen in the Desert Build when walking near the level.