
From Pizza Tower Wiki

Unfinished? Not on my watch!
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  • Expand some parts

Pizzascape is the first level in SAGE 2019 Demo of Pizza Tower

It was first introduced in Blue Block Land, although the graphics weren't present yet. It eventually got it's graphics in Lets Go To SAGE.

Level Revisions

Blue Block Land

  • Cold Spaghetti played throughout the level.
  • The Pizzamart and Pizza Coins were not present
  • The eighth room did not contain Super Side Springs, and did not have a staircase near the key.

Coop Build

  • The level's exit gate was moved to where the brown door used to be, which is now gone.

Entrance Build

Western Build

  • Room names were added to the level.

April 2021 Build

  • TV text was added to the level.
  • Gerome was added.


This level contains the following enemies:





In the first room, located on the first platform.


In the third room, located on the top-right platform, near the Sword Stone.


In the fourth room, located behind a Metal Block in the main path.


In the sixth room, located on a platform.


In the seventh room, located underneath a platform, with the player having to roll to destroy the Breakable Blocks.

Tower Secret Treasure


The Tower Secret Treasure room is located in the fifth room, on a platform near the door leading to the sixth room. The treasure is a peanut butter jar.

Secret Rooms

Secret Room 1

The first secret is located in the first room, in a Box of Pizzas inside a Metal Block, where the player needs to do a body slam to access.

In this secret, the player breaks Pizza Blocks that are placed in a stair-like pattern in both sides of the room.

Secret Room 2

The second secret is located in the second room, inside a wall.

In this secret, the player breaks small Pizza Blocks across the room.

Secret Room 3

The third secret is located in the third room, in a Box of Pizzas inside a Metal Block, where the player needs to do a body slam to access.

In this secret, the player collects Pizza Points across the room.

Secret Room 4

The fourth secret is located in the fourth room, in a Box of Pizzas inside a wall. It is easy to spot.

In this secret, the player breaks Pizza Blocks that are placed on platforms.

Secret Room 5

The fifth secret is located in the sixth room, inside a wall.

In this secret, the player must become a Knight to slide down a slope and kill Cheeseslimes.

Secret Room 6

The sixth secret is located in the ninth room, inside a wall.

In this secret, the player breaks a Metal Block to collect a Giant Pizza.


The level’s soundtrack

Mr. Sauceman – Hot Spaghetti
ClascyJitto - Spaghetti
Mr. Sauceman - Cold Spaghetti
ClascyJitto – hmmm look what u done did you found a secret :)


  • In an older version of SAGE 2019 Demo, its escape time limit was 1:15. This was later changed in an update.




Hub assets

In-level Text

Room Names

Main Rooms

  • Pizza Tower in ye Olde Time
  • Valiant and Lazy Knight
  • Thunderstruck
  • Medieval Fantasy
  • Odd Castle Architecture
  • Library of Stupidity
  • That’s how we Roll
  • Goblin Pit
  • Treasure Room
  • John Throne

Secret Rooms

  • Pizza Squared by 6
  • Get some Speed
  • Have some Toppings
  • Pizza Block Art Exposition
  • Too Heavy and Too Fat
  • The King Pizza
  • Placeholder Treasure Name The Sequel

TV Text

  • Entering the stage - "PTV seems to have catched on camera a glimpse of strange magical cult wearing robes or bathrobes, we cannot tell which but it seems frankly irrelevant."
  • Becoming a knight in the third room - "Wow! It seems that thunder has turned our seemingly-unknown-as-of-now fat man into a valiant and more easily identifiable knight!", "What mighty stead will he ride? What epic quests will he accomplish?", "Maybe he will just slam into a wall and become incredibly boring again?"
  • Entering the sixth room - "It appears that we are inside a temple of paper of sort, with shelfs incasing what we can only call as some kind of paper sandwich.", "One of our reporter has tried eating one of these but their function is still unknown."
  • Collecting the key in the eighth room - "We are interviewing the viral Forknight who was caught eating on the job! He swore his guard duty to the tower, but watch has he was caught on video tuckering in on crackers!", "What can I tell you I was hungry!", "The sensational Forknight says he hopes that the pillar stays up so that he will be able to eat those crackers for another day!"
  • Entering the ninth room - "Wait a minute, is that gold!? Is everything golden!? We're rich! I'll never have to work another day at this crummy TV station!", "Screw you, Janice! I lied when I said I liked my job, I just didnt want to commit to resigning! But now it doesn't matter!!!"
  • Entering the tenth room - "PTV would like to clarify that the last broadcast was a joke. The treasures we thought to be gold, as a joke, were in reality only gold painted... as a joke."
  • Entering the seventh room during Pizza Time - "You hate to see it! PTV Weather report is announcing an hurricane that will wipe out the entire region of this level!", "Get your umbrella ready, put on your tall rain boot and coat, it wont help!"
  • Entering the second room during Pizza Time - "This is a friendly reminder from PTV that weather report highly suggest you do not stay outside for the hurricane. Or inside either as matter of fact."