
From Pizza Tower Wiki

Stickland is a scrapped level in Pizza Tower, that never made past concept art and several level assets drawn.

It would have been a theme park ran by Mr. Stick, with his face showing up on every scenery and hazard. The main gimmick would have been money, that the player would collect and then spend to use the objects, such as Dash Pads or bounce chairs. The money would respawn in certain places. If the player ran out of money and isn't able to progress any further, they would be sent back all the way to the beginning, which would be the only way to lose in a level, besides getting caught by Pizzaface.

The first concept art of the level was made on a stream around 2021, and was never developed beyond that. The level was later revisited while the progress has been happening on the Halloween update. Several sprites were made, alongside some of the objects having remnants of the code, however the level was scrapped yet again. Alongside the sprites that would match what has been described about the level, there are animations of a goblin enemy, which has an unknown behavior, and possibly was a key part in the new revision of the level.


Money assets

Goblin assets

Concept art