
From Pizza Tower Wiki
This categorizes various graphics extracted from a game into relevant subcategories of Category:Graphics.
|game = 
|build = 
|mod = 
|modlink = 
|category = 
  • game is optional; defaults to Pizza Tower (Game).
  • build is optional; will link to the build page.
    • If build is a release build and is a part of an update, fill this out.
  • mod is optional; if the graphic comes from a mod of a game, fill this out.
    • modlink is required if mod is filled out. This links to the mod.
  • category is optional; will put the graphic in a different category.
    • If category is empty and build is set, it will categorize it in Category:build


A graphic exclusive to Eggplant, code:

{{graphic|build = Eggplant}}


This is a graphic extracted from Eggplant build of Pizza Tower (Game).

A graphic debuting from The Noise Update, code:

{{graphic|build = The Noise Update}}


This is a graphic extracted from The Noise Update build of Pizza Tower (Game).

A graphic from the DOOM 2 mod, Bring Your Own Class, code:

{{graphic|game = DOOM 2|mod = BYOC|modlink = https://revenatn.itch.io/byoc}}


This is a graphic extracted from BYOC, a mod of DOOM 2.

A graphic from Antonball Deluxe, code:

{{graphic|game = Antonball Deluxe}}


This is a graphic extracted from Antonball Deluxe.