Fastfood Saloon

From Pizza Tower Wiki
Revision as of 02:19, 14 April 2020 by wikia:pizzatower>SlingoBingo (New "Rooms" section, making the description of each level much more organised.)

The U.F.O level is the 9th level of Pizza Tower and the 4th level in the Weird West. It takes a sudden shift in setting into a sci-fi level rather then a western level like the previous three levels.


Main Mechanics

  • Teleporters: These will teleport Peppino to a specific location.
  • Timed Gates: These will open up once a timer starts counting down. When the time is up, they close.
  • Pinball launchers: These will turn Peppino into the ball transformation and shoot him forwards.

Other Mechanics

  • Tomato Block: These will act as a spring, making Peppino jump higher if the jump button is pressed when landing on it.

New enemies

  • U.F.Olive - These will shoot down lasers that teleport Peppino to a warp point.


UFO Crossroad

All Roads Lead to Chrome

UFO Inside a UFO

Thinking with Teleporters

Big Dumb Leap

Starcrust Speedway

Secret rooms