Pizza Tower Wiki:Guidelines, Editing & Help/Code of Conduct: Difference between revisions

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Here are some basic groundrules you have to read before creating an account and editing pages.
Here are some basic groundrules you have to read before creating an account and editing pages.

Revision as of 09:39, 22 November 2023

Here are some basic groundrules you have to read before creating an account and editing pages.

  • By signing up, you agree that you're 15+ years old and that you speak English well enough without producing too many grammatical, spelling or interpunction errors.
    • Wiki administrators may block users if they don't appear to be 15+ based on writing style, interactions with other members or repeatedly failing to understand guidelines. In this case, users may be blocked up to a year depending on their age. If users can provide evidence they aren't underage, blocks may be ended early or shortened.
  • We have zero tolerance for people looking to vandalize the wiki or spread misinformation because it's considered "funny". You'll get blocked and we'll lock you out of creating a new account with no exceptions or appeals.
    • Blocks start with a one week period depending on the type of vandalism, followed up with a one month block and ending with a one year block. If the damage caused by vandalism is beyond what the administrator team is willing to tolerate, harsher punishments may be given, including infinite blocks.
  • Creating an account with the sole purpose of only creating a userpage without contributing to the wiki itself will lead to a temporary suspension. The Pizza Tower Wiki is a wiki, and not your personal social media or meme page.
  • NSFW or NSFL content is not allowed in any shape or form. If you see any, remove it and contact a staff member so we can take action appropriately.
  • Creating alt accounts, especially in order to bypass a block or other account restrictions is not allowed. Attempting to create an alt after a block will result in a systematic auto-block. VPNs may result in an auto-block too.
  • Copying text word-by-word, unless you're quoting something or someone should be avoided altogether, as it counts as plagerism.
  • We are not interested in fan content, which includes but isn't limited to art, mods, music or mockups. Only in strict cases is fan content allowed, but only with approval from staff members.
  • This isn't FANDOM. There's no discussion board, no user blogs and no threads. Wiki's are wiki's, and not a form of social media where you can talk edgy to other users. We're expecting you to keep this in mind while editing talk pages or your userpage.
  • Do not test the patience of the moderation team. Breaking a rule for the sole purpose of trying to anger them will only lead to harsher punishments.

Note that bans and other punishments on the wiki may also apply on our Discord server with no appeals.

Grammar & Spelling

Grammar and spelling is the most important factor when writing a page. It's upmost important that you don't screw this up.

  • Avoid speaking in second person, eg. using the word "you" on pages. If you're refering to no one in general, refer to the player (in third person).
    • Example: "You're tasked to beat the evil Pizza Tower" is not allowed. "The player is tasked to beat the evil Pizza Tower" is allowed.
  • Use proper interpunction and letter capitalization. Use capital letters for characters, titles and the beginning of each sentence.
    • Example: Typing Every Word Capitalized Is Not Allowed. Characters such as peppino, the noise, and other figures in the pizza tower must be capitalized.