Pizza Tower Wiki:Guidelines, Editing & Help/Trivia

From Pizza Tower Wiki
Revision as of 19:06, 6 October 2023 by MaxiBash (talk | contribs) (copy-paste from Pizza Tower Wiki:Guidelines, Editing & Help/Editing)
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The trivia section of a page is reserved for miscellaneous bits of information that doesn't belong anywhere else on the page. The following suits this section:

  • Content that already isn't mentioned elsewhere on the wiki.
  • Things that aren't immediately obvious to the player.
  • Information that isn't relevant to be in any other section of the page.
  • Information that isn't blatant speculation.
  • Information that is related to the game, and doesn't mention general Italian stereotypes.

When adding trivia that can't be found in the game or its files, make sure you add a reference or source to back up your claim. This source can, as example, be a Discord chat message from the game's developers, a tweet, or anything else that proves what is said is true.

Discord References

If you want to refer to a Discord announcement or chat message that's still up, include the url, followed by a channel name and a date.

Template: <ref>[Discord URL '''Pizza Tower Discord''': #channel-name (dd/mm/yyyy, hh:mm)]</ref>
Example: <ref>[, ''Pizza Tower Discord'': #the-announcements (22/12/2018, 00:34)]</ref>

If the message is unavailable or deleted, but there's evidence in the form of a chatlog, include the message in italic text with an indicator showing the individual that said it. If the message is longer than 20 words, shorten it and add three dots to the end.

Template: <ref>Message -User, '''Pizza Tower Discord''': #channel-name (dd/mm/yyyy, hh:mm)</ref>
Example: <ref>''I tried animating things mostly in 24 but it depends on the animation'' -McPig, '''Pizza Tower Discord''': #pizzatowertalk (17/06/2018, 06:21)</ref>