Pre-Early Test Build

From Pizza Tower Wiki
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This is the first Pizza Tower build ever created. Footage of the builds were posted to Pizza Tower Guy's Twitter and Tumblr.

Some of the levels are still in the files for the EARLYTESTBUILD but for most of them, the camera is broken.

Levels Playable


A basic tutorial level featuring a bonus room with 3 complete pizzas.


A harder version of Level1, expect that it's made harder via the camera being locked.

Note: The reason as of why the camera is locked is because the camera was dynamic at some point but that feature got scrapped.


A basic test room featuring a door that crashes the game.

Level2 (Scrapped water level)

There is information of the level in the page associated with it. It also has the same problem with Level1H where the camera locks in place at a certain point in the level.


A room that test Pizza Time, also has a door that leads to... A GAME CRASH.