Early Test Build

From Pizza Tower Wiki
Revision as of 18:19, 13 March 2020 by (talk) (WELCOME TO WARIO WORLD!!!)

Earlytestbuild is an testing build of Pizza Tower, it is referred most commonly by Demo 0, it looks a lot more complete. It was reshared by Super Piter on Itch.io. To get an S rank, you need to find Everything and complete Lap 2.

Probably the most glaring changes from this demo to subsequent ones was how Peppino controlled; the dash was mapped to the X key (mapped to Shift in every subsequent demo), and as such, was the only major skill he kept from this demo. By holding the Up key and jumping, Peppino could jump higher than normal, and by holding the Down key while falling, he initiated a pseudo-groundpound which could break metal boxes. Both these moves are exclusive to this demo, and left out of other subsequent ones.

Some other quirks to this demo included the placeholder sound effects, which were replaced by original sounds afterwards. Some sounds are notably ripped from Wario Land 2 and Wario Land 3, such as the theme when carrying a bomb, which was the theme for Flaming Wario in those games, and the max speed sound effect; others are either stock sounds, or pulled from other sources.


  • The REAL version of demo 0 had no difference on the smoking Sausageman, and some level design changes.
  • This was an early testing build on how Pizza Tower would work, hence the low quality of the demo.
  • Peppino had an complete different idle animation.
  • Enemies have animations that go unused in newer builds.
  • There was supposed form music which later got scrapped due to Pizza Tower now trying to not imitate Wario Land's form music, making it original on it's own.
  • Pepinno's Super Jump animation is slightly different.
  • In knight form, Frog's Theme from Chrono Trigger was used. The victory screen music uses the level clear jingle from Wario World.
  • This is the only demo that's been released to have enemies unable to be killed.
  • Peppino has a voice in this demo, which plays whenever you get hit, collect a complete pizza, unlock a door, collect the secret treasure, and when the escape timer happens. All but the last one have different voices, and one is chosen to be played.
  • Some of the voice samples appear to be the same ones used for Mario's voice in the beta version of Super Mario 64.