Pizza Time

From Pizza Tower Wiki
Revision as of 12:11, 19 March 2020 by wikia:pizzatower>AdamK199 (Adding categories)

Pizza Time is an essential feature to the gameplay of Pizza Tower, activating once Peppino or The Noise ram into, or attack, Pillar John.


Pizza Time is normally the main requirement to opening a level's Exit Door and completing the level. Once Pillar John has been slain, the level immediately turns into a mad chase back to the beginning. A timer, varying for the level, will start ticking down, indicating that the player must escape as fast as possible. John Blocks will also switch states. (i.e. if one is off, it turns on, and vice versa for the ones that are on)

When the timer finally goes down to 0:00, the player(s) start to lose their points, and their face sprite and idle/walk states will turn into the 1 HP animations from older demos, where pizza slices were used as health pickups. The result when the points are drained varies from demo to demo. In the December/November patron builds, both players will be able to escape with no game overs or punishment for finishing with 0 points except for a D rank. In the January patron build(s), when the players points are drained, a game over screen plays, and sends them back to the menu.


  • The old escape theme (Pesto Anchovi) was removed from Frostix's channel in an attempt for viewers to appreciate his other content, since Pesto Anchovi got the most views. He also pretended like it never even existed in the first place, as seen in his recent replies on comments.
    • In fact, in the GolF demo, Pesto Anchovi was the only escape theme without mods.
  • The Pizza Time mechanics are an intentional parallel to most of the Wario Land games, complete with draining the player's points after the timer runs out.