
From Pizza Tower Wiki

Combo is a mechanic in Pizza Tower.

To increase a combo, The player must defeat enemies. The combo meter depletes in 6 seconds after which Pizza Points are given based on the size of the combo. Picking up items helps to maintain the combo but it does not increase the combo. Small pickups like food extend combo time a little while significant items fill the timer completely. Getting blessed by a Priest and finding Gerome also fills up combo timer.

Defeating respawning enemies maintains the combo but does not increase it.

Getting hit by enemies reduces combo timer.

Combo level Name
1 Lame
5 Cheesy
10 Not bad but not great either
15 Getting somewhere...
20 Nice! :) Good job!
25 Cheflike
30 Brutal!
35 Evil
40 Unclean
45 Disturbing
50 Twisted
55 Psychotic
60 Ill-willed
65 Crushing
70 Funny
75 Unfunny

Combos 80 and over will loop the names of the combo, adding "Very" in front of them. For an example, 85 combo is "Very cheesy".