Crust Cove

From Pizza Tower Wiki

The beach level is the first level of World 3 and introduces many things. It starts off in a cruise ship and then transitions into a regular beach.


  • Barrel Transformation: Peppino will be stuck in a barrel. He can float on water(?) and rolls when slipping on a banana peel.
  • Dangerous Water: Not much known about this, but it will likely be a roadblock requiring the Barrel.
  • Balloons: Act as a way to access higher up platforms by sending Peppino upward, similar to how the balloons work in A Hat in Time.

New enemies

  • Cannon Pizza Goblin: Unlike normal Pizza Box Goblins, these will shoot bombs as a projectile, rather than throwing it, with the bomb moving in a straight line rather than in an arc. However, the bombs from this enemy can't be grabbed.
  • Pineacool: These enemies will walk left and right normally. Touching the head is dangerous
  • Piraneapple: These will aggressively move left and right. Touching the mouth will hurt you. Doesn't get scared.
  • Spit Cheese: Sits in place and spits spiky cheeseballs in an arc.