Secret Eye

From Pizza Tower Wiki

can somebody repair this page, it got vandelized by someone! and im not a super nerd!

Template:Infobox enemy

Secret Eye is a level asset in Pizza Tower.


The Secret Eye is a floating eye with a pink pupil as well as eyelids.


Upon touch, Secret Eye teleports the player to its respective secret room. Every level has three secret eyes and therefore three secret rooms. Entering a Secret Eye inside of a secret room will teleport the player back to the level.

Once the player has discovered and completed all secrets in the game, Secret Eyes will appear on every floor of the Hub. These eyes lead to a small Sound Test housing Gustavo, the Secret King and a pink radio. This area allows the player to listen to the OST at any time. While music is being played, Peppino, Gustavo and the Secret King will all dance along.


Regular animations