GOLF (Build)

From Pizza Tower Wiki

GOLF is a joke demo for Pizza Tower made for April Fools Day.

In the demo, Peppino needs to throw a Greaseball to various goals throughout the level with as little hits as possible.

There are new monsters such as Big Cheese and Spit Cheese.

Pizza Tower Guy has used this demo's engine to make a lot of Patreon Builds. Including The Noise being playable.

You can download it here

New Enemies

  • Big Cheese
  • Spit Cheese
  • Pizzice
  • Greaseball
  • Trash Pan
  • Ninja Slice
  • Fake Peppino

Secret Keybinds


Once completing the demo the game already says 2 of 3 hidden keybinds you can use.

  • F1: Fun Mode: All nerd blocks are destroyed.
  • F2: Noise Mode: Noise will be playable once you press this key and will last till the Player: Dies, Completes the Demo or uses the quit option
  • F9: Fake Peppino Mode: Fake Peppino spawns at the Player's position, only chasing the player if the escape sequence starts.


  • The GOLF billboard parodies DOOM cover.