Game Progression

From Pizza Tower Wiki
Revision as of 07:01, 9 February 2023 by (talk) (because more toppins are now allowed to be skipped, 37% is now possible.)

Game Progression refers to the percentage at the file select titled "Tower Status" in Pizza Tower.

Percentage System

The percentage of the completion is based on the progress of each main objective in the game:

  • Toppings collected (95 in total, grants a total of 32 7⁄74% towards the Tower Status)
  • Secrets accessed (57 in total, grants a total of 19 19⁄74% towards the Tower Status)
  • Tower Secret Treasures collected (19 in total, grants a total of 6 31⁄74% towards the Tower Status)
  • Levels beaten (20 in total, grants a total of 6 28⁄37% towards the Tower Status)
  • Bosses beaten (5 in total, grants a total of 1 51⁄74% towards the Tower Status)
  • C, B, A and S Ranks obtained (100 in total, collecting a higher rank also grants the lower ranks as well towards the Tower Status, grants a total of 33 29⁄37% towards the Tower Status)
  • Gaining all 25 P Ranks and completing all 72 Chef Tasks (Does not count as a main objective, but if all other main objectives have been achieved, this secret objective grants an additional 1% to the Tower Status, bringing the final percentage to 101%)

Each main objective completed, of which there are a total of 296, grants 25⁄74% (0.3378%) towards the Tower Status, which is then rounded down to the nearest percent to get the final Tower Status.

Peppino’s Final Judgement

After beating the game and watching the credits, a final ranking for the entire file is given. These rankings are given by meeting certain percentage criteria in the Tower Status. The judgement can be improved by completing the game more, while some can be obtained for a limited time only.

You Suck!

Peppino gives a double thumbs up. This ranking is earned for getting anywhere below 50%.


Peppino stands next to a Cheeseslime, questioning the player if they think that not killing enemies gives points. This ranking is earned for getting anywhere between 50% to 61%.

That’s the One, Officer!!

Peppino points at the player, bruised and crying, as a police pig glares from afar. This ranking is earned by getting 61% to 72% throughout a run of the game.

No Judgment

Peppino shrugs towards the screen, having no clue what ranking the player deserves. This is given for getting anywhere between 72% to 83% on a file.

Not Bad… Not Bad at All!

Peppino gives a thumbs up towards the screen with a sly, confident look on his face. This ranking is earned for beating the game anywhere between 83% to 95%.


Peppino strikes a pose with a shocked expression, excited about the momentous occasion. This ranking is given at a percentage of 95% or higher.

Holy Shit!

Peppino stares shocked at a computer monitor, amazed and in awe at the player’s accomplishments. This is the ranking given if the player reaches the ending for the first time in under 4 hours and with 95% or higher Tower Status.

You are Quick as Hell!

Peppino stands far off, tired and sweating. This ranking is given for beating the game in under 2 hours. Getting 95% or above will give the Holy Shit! ranking instead.


  • The "You Suck!" image has been in the files of the game for a long time in a single image form, rather than being animated.
  • At one point in the development, the rankings the player would receive were final, and to get better one the player would need to start a new save file. A separate judgement exists for this as well, that went unused.
  • At one point in the development, "That's the One, Officer!!" was supposed to be given after getting hit a very huge amount of times.
    • Despite the need to get hurt being removed, this is technically still the case, as this is the judgement many new players will get on a first playthrough of the game, and most new players are likely to get hurt often.
  • Pizza Boy image on save file changes depending on the percent obtained. This, however is not related to the final judgement, as it uses separate percentage requirements that are currently unknown.
  • The absolute minimum percentage required to beat the game is 37% - this requires completing 19 levels, collecting 86 toppings, and defeating all 5 bosses, while always gaining a D rank of all levels and bosses and not obtaining any secrets or Tower Secret Treasures. Meanwhile, the absolute minimum percentage required to get the true ending is 44% - the extra 6% gained from collecting all of the Tower Secret Treasures.


Final Judgements

Main menu sprites

Scrapped Judgement