Pizza Points

From Pizza Tower Wiki
Revision as of 11:40, 24 May 2021 by Magiczocker (talk | contribs) (Reverted edits by Theimposterissuspicioustoday1 (talk) to last revision by NaluigiRocks)

Pizza Points are the main collectibles in Pizza Tower.


When playing as Peppino, their look is of regular pizza and related foodstuffs. However, when playing as The Noise, they are replaced with candy and dessert pizza instead, playing as Snick turns them into onion rings, and various Christmas-themed cookies and frosted pizzas replace points in Peppino's Xmas Break.

When playing as The Vigilante, getting points also restores his health, with Pizza Toppings restoring 1 HP. Pizza Slices restoring 5 HP, Complete Pizzas restoring 10 HP, and Giant Pizzas restoring HP back to full.


They control the rank the player receive at the end of the level, and the ending they earn when finishing the game.

There are four types of these collectibles:

  • Pizza Toppings = 10 points
  • Pizza Slices = 25 points
  • Complete Pizza = 100 points
  • Giant Pizza = 1000 points

The collectibles themselves aren't the only way to get points, however. There are also many other ways including:

  • Defeating an enemy, which gives 10 points, which increases by 10 if a combo is maintained, stopping at 40 points for each enemy if a combo of 4 or higher is maintained. Defeating enemies will also give more points under higher Heat Meter levels.
  • Saving a Toppin, which gives 1000 points.
  • Finding a Tower Secret Treasure, which gives 2000 points.

It is also possible to lose points as well, as getting hurt will cost the player points. When playing as Peppino or The Noise, getting hurt will cost 50 points. If the player is using Snick, getting hurt will result in the loss of all points gathered, and getting hit with 0 points forces Snick to restart. If the player is using The Vigilante, getting hurt will both result in a loss of 25 heath, and a loss of 100 points.

During Pizza Time, the point system is also utilized to incentivize the player to hurry up. Regardless of the character chosen, the player will lose 5 points for every second spent during Pizza Time until the level ends. When the timer runs out during Pizza Time, Peppino will lose 5 points every tick instead, resulting in about a hundred points each second until the level ends. More collectables also appear during Pizza Time that give 10 points each, however instead of pizza toppings, these points look like random leftover food in order to signify that they weren't there before.

Throughout the game, points are stored in a piggy bank known as "Pigge". At certain points of the game, there will be gates where Mr. Stick stands. He doesn't let Peppino pass unless he gives him enough points to pay off his debt.


  • An in-character reason as to why the Noise collects candy and dessert pizza instead is because of his hatred for regular pizza.
    • One of The Noise's collectibles is a reference to the infamous gumball-eyed Sonic popsicle often sold at ice cream trucks, except with Snick instead of Sonic.
  • Pizza Slices were originally used as health pickups back when the player was meant to have a health bar. They also spun in one place, floating, instead of spinning and moving around on the floor.
    • This idea later came full circle with The Vigilante's health system, since picking up Pizza Slices, as well as any other kind of Pizza Points, heals him.
    • Another health pickup planned for the game were plates of spaghetti and meatballs, which were cut due to not fitting the game's pizza-based themes.
  • Complete Pizzas originally came from Pizza Boxes instead of Toppins.
  • Getting hurt used to cost 100 points instead of 50, while getting a Tower Secret Treasure used to give the player 1000 points instead of 2000.


Pizza Toppings

Pizza Toppings (The Noise)

Pizza Toppings (Snick)

Pizza Toppings (Xmas Break)

Pizza Toppings (Escape sequence)

Pizza Slices

Pizza Slices (The Noise)

Pizza Slices (Xmas Break)

Complete Pizza

Complete Pizza (The Noise)

Complete Pizza (Xmas Break)

Complete Pizza & Pizza Slices (Snick)

Giant Pizza

Giant Pizza (The Noise)

Giant Pizza (Snick)