From Pizza Tower Wiki
Regular sprites
Background #1. A red sky with dark clouds, pillar with pizza slice, pepper and tomato on it, and a church-like building.
Background decoration #1. Ghosts
Background decoration #3. A pillar with Fake Peppino, The Noise, Pepperoni Goblin Bat and Pepperman masks.
Background #2. A grey brick wall with a window, a pig, Pepperoni Goblin, Cheeseslime, Pineacool, Pizza Slug and Fake Santa faces.
Background decoration #4. A misty purple fog.
Background decoration #5. A grey brick wall with Pillar John, Gustavo, and Bad Rat masks.
Background decoration #6. The Doise's disembodied face.
Background decoration #7. Peddito's disembodied face.
Background decoration #8. A melting pizza slice, revealing a part of it's skull.
Background decoration #9. A purple flame with a sinister face.
Background #3. A dark room with statues of mages, one of which is showing a skull head, pillars with skulls, and candles.
Background decoration #10. Grim reapers.
Escape version of Background #3, with the eyes of the skeletons and statues starting to glow.
Breakable Block sprites.
Hub assets
Pizzascare's level gate, an archway made out of bricks with a frame of a skull on the top, supported by two spiked pillars
Level gate background. Orange sky with clouds and a full moon.
Level gate background decoration #1. Towers.
Level gate background decoration #2. Ghosts.
Level's icon on Pizza Granny sign.
Level's title card.
Level's name in Chef Tasks room.
Scrapped sprites
Old version of Background #1.
Old version of Background #2.