Pizza Granny

From Pizza Tower Wiki

Pizza Granny is an NPC in the Hub area, Tutorial, and Gustavo & Brick Tutorial of Pizza Tower.


Pizza Granny is a plain cheese pizza with blue eyes and eyelids, and a large mouth with red lips.

In the tutorials, she serves to educate the player on Peppino, Gustavo and The Noise's movesets. Outside the tutorials, in the lobby, she gives other hints to lesser-known and non-essential techniques as well as other ramblings that can come off as cryptic, unsettling or rude.


Peppino Tutorial

Location Dialogue String Name

To the right of the entrance door.

Press to jump! Hold and a direction to crawl! tutorial1

Immediately after the first door.

You can break marble and metal blocks underneath you with a bodyslam! Press while in the air! tutorial2

Shortly after the first body slam area.

Start the bodyslam from higher to destroy metal blocks! tutorial3

Before the first Toppin.

Some blocks may be hidden, keep an eye out for them! Press to destroy them! tutorial4

Immediately after the second door.

Press to do the Grab Dash! It can destroy marble blocks! tutorial5

At the bottom-left corner of a poster showcasing the steps needed to perform a wall run.

Hold to start a Mach Run! If you hold then jump on a wall, you will start wall running! tutorial6

At the bottom of a drop after the first wallrun sequence.

Press while wall running to jump off the wall! Keep held to stick on the other walls! A tip: You can also use the Grab Dash to start a wall run while in the air, just keep held! tutorial7

After the third door, next to a poster describing the method spoken.

Press then hold for a quick start with the Mach Run! Try it out! tutorial8

Standing next to a pit after a drop. Another poster describing what she says is hovering above the pit.

You can also jump after pressing in order to do a long jump! tutorial9

After the pit that the Pizza Granny above is before, next to a slope into a wall.

You can also simply run up a slope next to a wall to automatically start wall running! tutorial10

After the third door.

While doing a Mach Run, hold to destroy blocks in a small gap! tutorial11

After the first one-wide gap in the fourth room.

Release and keep holding to continue the Mach Run! tutorial12
Standing in front of a poster stating her instructions after a long stretch of one-wide gaps. Hold during a Mach Run while in the air to do a dive! tutorial13

After the fourth door, left of a poster detailing similar instructions.

In order to destroy metal blocks, you need to gain speed by doing the Mach Run. You can hold (if Peppino is facing left) / (if Peppino is facing right) to go even faster too! tutorial14

At the top of a slope before the third Toppin.

Running down a slope will make you go faster! tutorial15

At the bottom of a slope immediately after the fifth door.

To turn while retaining Mach Run, press the opposite direction. tutorial16

At an empty space left of the fifth door, behind a metal block.

Try turning before falling down a hole, you will retain your speed once on the ground tutorial17

At the top of a slope after a narrow, winding path. Right of her is a poster detailing the process.

While at high speed, hold then release it to perform the Super Jump! You can also adjust your position with while you are holding ! tutorial18

At an empty stretch beyond a Super Jump section after the sixth door.

Another trick: Press then immediately to go through gaps faster! tutorial20

Immediately after the seventh door next to a Pizzaboy Enemy Spawner.

You can grab things with the Grab Dash and throw them by pressing again! tutorial21

Next to another Pizzaboy Enemy Spawner, after a stretch from the seventh door.

If you hold before throwing, you will send the things up! tutorial22

Immediately after the eighth, and gated off door.

Collect these in order to get a better rank! Some can only be acquired during the escape... tutorial23

Before the fifth and final Toppin of the level. This Toppin has floating text above it saying "Very Important!"

You need to save most of the dudes in the cages in order to advance to the next floor! They will give you money to pay Mr. Stick! If you miss too many of them, you will need to replay some levels! tutorial24

Before the Pillar John.

Destroy John the pillar in order to open the exit gate. This will reverse the solid pillar blocks! tutorial25

All Pizza Grannies when Pizza Time begins.

GET OUT NOW!!! getout

Gustavo & Brick Tutorial

Location Dialogue String Name

On the right of the entrance door.

Hold to move faster and destroy metal blocks! forest1

In front of the first Wooden Block.

Press to kick the rat! forest2

On the ledge above the second Pizza Granny.

Press in the air to do a double jump! You can cancel out of it with another move too! forest3

On a ledge before a vertical corridor with Wooden Blocks.

Press middair to quickly go down! forest4

On the right of another vertical corridor with Wooden Blocks, blocked off by a Metal Block.

The double jump can also destroy metal blocks underneath! forest5

In a pit before the exit.

While doing the double jump, hold while holding in the direction of a wall to climb it! forest6

The Noise Tutorial

Location Dialogue String Name

To the right of the entrance door.

Instead of running up walls, Noise will bounce off them with his skateboard. While doing a wall bounce, press to launch yourself in the direction of a wall in order to bounce again. tutorial1N

Immediately after the first door.

Noise can do a drill move if is held while he is in the air and his skateboard is out. While doing the drill move, you can move left and right freely. You will also go through small gaps automatically. tutorial2N

Immediately after the second door.

Noise's Super Jump works the same, but he has the ability to do it at any moment by pressing and while on the ground. tutorial3N

Before the Pillar John.

When doing a wall bounce, keep held while reaching the ground to boost forward! tutorial4N

All Pizza Grannies when Pizza Time begins.

GET OUT NOW!!! getout

In Gnome Forest, on the right of the entrance door.

Weren't you supposed to bring your rat friend? No matter, you can still do in the air to do the crusher jump. It should get you through these upcoming sections! forest1N

Tower Lobby

Location Character Dialogue String Name

To the left of Pizzascape.

Peppino What do you know about this tower? Who are you? I don't know anything! garbage3
The Noise

To the right of the Chef Tasks room.

Peppino Did you know you could do a flying uppercut by pressing then ? This can work as a pseudo double jump and can also dispatch enemies in the air! hubtips1
The Noise

To the left of the elevator.

Peppino After dispatching a few enemies, you might have noticed the electricity effect around you. While the effect is active, press then to dispatch every enemy on the screen! hubtips2
The Noise

To the left of Bloodsauce Dungeon.

Peppino Did you know that your full name is Peppino Spaghetti? That's unfortunate. garbage1
The Noise Did you know that your full name is Theodore Noise? That's unfortunate. garbage1N

To the left of the boss gate.

Peppino If you hurt Peppino too much, you can go to hell! garbage2
The Noise If you hurt The Noise too much, nothing happens! garbage2N

Western District

Location Character Dialogue String Name

Above Oregano Desert, to the right of the computer.

Peppino I wouldn't trust this Gustavo guy... He seems a bit too friendly... garbage5
The Noise I wouldn't trust this Noisette gal... Wait, she's your girlfriend? garbage5N

Above Wasteyard.

Peppino Did you know that you can block and parry any projectile or damage by pressing before getting hurt? hubtips3
The Noise

Below Pepperman's graffiti, between Pepperman and the Chef Tasks room.

Peppino Be wary of your final judgement. Your performance is always accounted for. hubtips4
The Noise

To the right of the Chef Tasks room.

Peppino If you scratch my back, I will scratch yours! garbage4
The Noise

To the right of the boss gate.

Peppino I'm going to go ahead and talk about something that I've been telling others who know about this place of worship that you did this. Well, we're down from your pizzeria, and we're down from this tower. There are customers, and they want to see one of these things. So I got a friend, he went down one of the floors and this guy came up next to me, and the idea was, why is it that when you're in the upper part of the tower there is this Pizzaface character, then there's a man from your previous life leading the way? There's a pizza in your tower with all this information. garbage6
The Noise

Vacation Resort

Location Character Dialogue String Name

Between Crust Cove and the lower elevator.

Peppino I've lost my medication again. This day is going to suck! garbage9
The Noise

To the right of the wardrobe.

Peppino Pizza Tower Instant Pizza Gaming Promotion! Type /pizza to order a free pizza courtesy of Peppino's Pizza! garbage7
The Noise Pizza Tower Instant Pizza Gaming Promotion! Type /pizza to order a free pizza courtesy of Noise's Pizza! garbage7N

On the left of the Big Mushrooms.

Peppino Did you know that you can do a piledriver by holding an enemy and pressing while in the air? You can also perform a piledriver that will boost you upward if you hold before grabbing an enemy. hubtips6
The Noise

To the left of the boss gate.

Peppino Once you have beaten a level, you can revisit it to find a Lap 2 portal near the entrance. These will give you a point bonus, but also force you to loop around the escape portion one more time... hubtips5
The Noise

Above the boss gate, between an Olive Bubble and the computer.

Peppino Remember to not take too many breaks, keep playing! Your time here is limited! garbage8
The Noise


Location Character Dialogue String Name

On a ledge above the left elevator.

Peppino Do you seriously think that I'm going to give you more advice after that blunder you just did? garbage11
The Noise

To the right of Peppibot Factory.

Peppino Did you know that you can make enemies react to you faster by pressing near them? hubtips8
The Noise

On a ledge above the orange pipe that leads to Oh Shit!

Peppino I don't think you need any hints today. garbage10
The Noise

On a ledge above Oh Shit!

Peppino Does your fridge smell weird? Have you checked the expiration date? garbage12
The Noise

On the ledge leading to Refrigerator-Refrigerador-Freezerator.

Peppino An obscure technique: While doing a dive in the air and pressing , you will directly go downward with a body slam. Only useful if you want to save time! hubtips7
The Noise Remember that you can do your Super Jump at any time! This should give you an advantage over some other italian dude... hubtips7N

Staff Only

Location Character Dialogue String Name

To the right of the computer.

Peppino The elusive P rank... You can get it by doing everything there is to do in a level. The problem is that you need to keep a combo for the entirety of the level! It's a tough challenge, so don't feel bad if you don't want to do it! hubtips9
The Noise

To the right of Pizzascare and the wardrobe.

Peppino You know, you really could lose some weight. garbage13
The Noise

On the ledge leading to Don't Make A Sound.

Peppino Are you going to play or just stand there stupidly? garbage14
The Noise

Between WAR and the boss gate.

Peppino Kiss my ass! garbage15
The Noise

Extra Levels

Location Character Dialogue String Name

In the entrance to Tricky Treat.

Peppino Pay attention to the color of the arrows! The green arrow leads to a pumpkin on the main path, while the blue arrow leads to a pumpkin on a side path! halloween_granny
The Noise


Unused dialogue

Dialogue String Name
After starting a Super Jump, you can also dash forward in the air by pressing ! Give it a try!tutorial19
Har, har! Enter this portal when the pillar has been taken down... If you dare! You will have to do another loop around the level, so be sure to have the time for it!tutorial_lap


This section is dedicated to trivia and miscellaneous information about Pizza Granny.
Remember to read the wiki's trivia guidelines before adding trivia or making changes.
  • In the Hub, Pizza Granny will appear in one spot per floor. Re-entering the floor will make Pizza Granny move to a different spot at random.
  • Pizza Granny is never seen escaping the Pizza Tower.
  • Pizza Granny has been said to be half-baked, hence her choppy animations.[1]


Regular Animations

In-game miscellanous