Bloodsauce Dungeon

From Pizza Tower Wiki

Bloodsauce Dungeon is the fourth level in Pizza Tower, and the fourth level of the Tower Lobby.

The level is a deep, vertical medieval dungeon decorated by skulls. In the level's midpoint, the stage becomes dark, and only the silhouettes of the environmental hazards are visible. Near the bottom, ghosts start flying upward, and the environment has darker shades of red and becomes a much more hellish environment. At the bottom of the stage, the environment is a much more pristine dungeon with bright slate-gray brickwork.

The level's titlecard shows Peppino and Gustavo, the former in a Viking-like outfit while holding an axe while the latter is wearing more typical knight armor while holding a torch, in a dimly lit section of the dungeon, stalked by a menacing-looking Pencer and Cheeseslime inside of a giant, horned skull.


This level contains the following enemies:






In the second room, under a platform accessible by running up the wall below it.


At the bottom of the third room, out in the open.


In the fourth room, directly where the player must go to progress.


In the room right before Pillar John, impossible to pass by.


In the room right before Pillar John, behind a Metal Block.

Tower Secret Treasure


Gerome is located in the fourth room, after the Tomato Toppin, inside a small room with a Fake Wall.


Gerome's door is located in the room right after the darker section, in a passage accessible through wall-running. The Tower Secret Treasure is a bowl of tomato sauce.

Secret Eyes

Secret Eye 1

In the third room, behind a Metal Block.

This secret room requires the player to run and wall climb through a short parkour course, with one-block passages with Breakable Blocks on the way.

Secret Eye 2

In the first room of the darkened section, in its room, accessible through super jumping into a gap in the ceiling below.

This secret room requires the player to run and wall climb through a short parkour course, with pits of Boiling Sauce on the way.

Secret Eye 3

Right after the Sausage Toppin, on the ceiling.

The secret room contains narrow passageways with a large number of Pizza Cutters, requiring the player to traverse carefully to avoid damage.

Pizza Tower Guy

Pizza Tower Guy

At the bottom of the fourth room. The player must reach this area within a minute in order to see him, and he disappears when approached.

Chef Tasks

This level has the following Chef Tasks:

Unsliced Pizzaman
Finish Bloodsauce Dungeon without getting hurt by a pizza cutter.
Eruption Man
During escape, go up with the superjump for more than two seconds in Bloodsauce Dungeon.
Very Very Hot Sauce
Finish Bloodsauce Dungeon without touching lava once.

Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
Brazilian Portuguese Masmorra Molho De Sangue
Chinese (Simplified) 血酱地牢
Chinese (Traditional) 血醬地城
French La Geôlognaise A portmanteau, combining the words Geôle (Medieval jail) and Bolognaise
German Blutsaucen-verlies Bloodsauce Dungeon
Italian Sotterraneo all'emosalsa
Japanese ブラッドアース・ダンジョン
Korean 블러드소스 던전 Characters that are meant to phonetically sound like "Bloodsauce Dungeon" when pronounced in Korean. Dungeon is properly translated into Korean, however both it and English have the same root for it from the Latin word "dominus" meaning they sound the same.
Russian Подземелье с кровью Dungeon with blood
Spanish Mazmorra Sanguinolenta Bleeding Dungeon
LATAM Spanish Mazmorra de salsa sangrienta Bloody Sauce Dungeon
Internal dungeon The theme of the level


ClascyJitto - Dungeon Freakshow
ClascyJitto - A Hidden Pepperoni In The Cage



  • The music track heard whenever the player is near Pillar John, "Meatophobia", was originally only planned to play at the end of Bloodsauce Dungeon during its final colder rooms.
  • Despite having final name in SAGE 2019 Demo, it was temporarily called Dungeon in PT_Eggplantv15 build.
  • Bloodsauce Dungeon has a harder, yet cheerier version in the form of Strongcold. Strongcold was first introduced in Peppino's Xmas Break and was later removed in PT_Eggplantv15.