The Noise Update

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Revision as of 13:33, 19 March 2024 by Scaf (talk | contribs) (Fake peppino stuffs)

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The Noise Update, starting with version 1.1.0, introduces The Noise as a playable character in Pizza Tower.


The Noise can be unlocked as a playable character in two ways: hitting Peppino on the title screen one hundred times, or by completing the game as Peppino. Upon unlocking The Noise, pressing down on the title screen allows the player to change campaigns.

Gameplay changes

  • The Noise's moveset differences:
    • Instead of climbing walls, Noise will bounce off of them using his skateboard.
      • While wall bouncing, the player can cancel and spin out by pressing the grab button. Hitting another wall in this state will make Noise bounce again, but each consecutive bounce is weaker.
      • If the player is holding the Mach Run key when landing after a wall bounce, Noise will instantly get to Mach 3.
    • Instead of diving, holding down in the air will cause Noise to spin like a tornado until the down key is released. In this state, he can move horizontally, kill enemies and fit through 1-tile gaps.
    • Jumping while holding up on the ground lets Noise instantly prepare a Super Jump.
    • Jumping while holding up in the air allows Noise to crash into the ground with his Noise Crusher. This is functionally identical to Gustavo and Brick's double jump.
    • Most transformations and other level gimmicks work differently when playing as The Noise.
    • The Noise's uppercut move is more powerful than Peppino's.
    • While performing a Super Jump, The Noise can slightly move horizontally.
  • Swap Mode:
    • After beating the game as The Noise, smoke will be coming from below the room before the Pizzaface boss. The Noise can then jump off the tower to enter Peppino's House. Leaving it will unlock Swap Mode.
    • This mode allows the player to swap between Peppino and The Noise by pressing the down key while taunting, or when getting hurt.
    • Another player can join the game using a second controller. The two players fight over control to gain the most points, which works similarly to the Coop build.
  • Headless Fake Peppino can now be parried.

Visual changes

  • When the player reaches a combo of 50 or more, the TV HUD displays the player character with a more intense expression.
    • Peppino's 50 combo sprite was unused before this update, previously being used for the scrapped Heat Meter.
  • If the player kills an enemy in the first room of a level, the combo meter's fill icon will be purple to indicate that a P-rank is possible. When the player loses the combo, it will go back to being brown.
  • When playing as The Noise or in Swap Mode, the TV HUD and the combo meter text will be yellow.
  • The Fake Peppino Chase ending background has had the Do Enter Not Inside! sign changed to Do Not Go Inside!

Per-Level Changes

  • Tutorial shows off differences about the Noise to Peppino, as he's unlocked after beating the game as him.
  • All boss fights give The Noise a special ability to throw bombs instead of grabbing.
  • In Vigilante's fight, The Noise will disrespect his honorable draw and shoot him automatically.
  • The Doise replaces Noise as the third boss.
  • Fake Peppino is noticeably faster in his chase sequence when playing as The Noise.
    • The Noise will angrily yell at Fake Peppino if he gets caught, causing him to be scared and run away.
  • In John Gutter, the music is replaced with The Noise's Jam Packed Radical Anthem.
  • In Fastfood Saloon, Noise can kill Horsey after finishing a race with him.
  • In Gnome Forest, Noise transforms into himself instead of Gustavo and Brick.
    • He also doesn't deliver pizzas, and instead kills both the pizzas and the gnomes, giving him the Toppins for free.
    • In the Gustavo and Brick tutorial room, all of the Pizza Grannies will be missing except for the first one, who teaches the player about the crusher jump.
  • In GOLF, The Noise will rewrite the par if he goes over it.
  • In The Pig City, The Noise will transform into a version of himself that hangs onto rails using his gloves, in a similar way to Gustavo and Brick.
    • He will also kill Grandpa Pepper instead of getting hurt, and doesn't receive any clothes.
  • In Peppibot Factory, a bucket is placed at the start of the level, which follows the player and spills water on a row of electric sockets to disable them in a later section that would otherwise be difficult to traverse as The Noise.
  • In Refrigerator-Refrigerador-Freezerator, the Noise chugs a strange keg. This gives him the Devil's Choice power up, but without the invincibility.
  • In The Crumbling Tower of Pizza, The Noise will collect Noisette, a Noisey, and The Bucket. He will kill everyone else he comes into contact with, including the bosses, Mort the Chicken, Snotty (if left alive prior) and Gerome.