The Noise Update
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The Noise Update (numbered as version 1.1.0 - 1.1.063) released on March 12th 2024. It's a version of the game Pizza Tower, that primarily adds The Noise's playable campaign into the game, as well as smaller improvements and features. 1.1.0 specifically is the second to last major update before the game’s discontinuation.
The update was announced earlier the same day (or the previous day depending on the timezone) within a livestream on McPig_Jr's account titled "When we finish Ancient Aliens, we will release the The Noise Update".
The Noise can be unlocked as a playable character in two ways: hitting Peppino on the title screen one hundred times, or by completing the game as Peppino. Upon unlocking The Noise, pressing down on the title screen allows the player to change campaigns.
Gameplay changes
- Three new Noise save files are created upon beating the game (or 'unlocking The Noise'), featuring a playable Noise with several moveset differences:
- Rather than climbing a wall, the Noise bounces off them, and can spin out by pressing grab inbetween bounces.
- The dive is replaced with a tornado move, in which Noise will perpetually spin like a tornado as long as the down key is held.
- Noise can activate the Super Jump without having to be in mach 3.
- While performing a Super Jump, Noise can slightly move horizontally.
- Jumping while holding up in the air allows Noise to crash into the ground with his Noise Crusher, as a replacment for Peppino's dive body slam. This is very simlair to Gustavo and Brick's double jump.
- Most transformations and other level gimmicks work differently when playing as The Noise.
- The Noise's uppercut reaches far higher than Peppino's.
- After beating the game as The Noise, The Noise can then jump off the tower in the room before Pizzaface to enter Peppino's House. Leaving it will unlock Swap Mode.
- This mode allows the player to swap between Peppino and The Noise by pressing the down key while taunting, or when getting hurt.
- Another player can join the game using a second controller. The two players fight over control to gain the most points, which works similarly to the Coop build.
- Headless Fake Peppino can now be parried.
Visual changes
- If the player reaches a combo of 50 or more before Pizza Time, the TV HUD will feature a 'heated' character expression.
- If the player kills an enemy in the first room of a level, the Combo Ghost featured in the combo meter will be purple to indicate that a P-rank is possible. When the player loses the combo, the next combo will use the original yellow Combo Ghost, signifying the loss of a potential P-rank.
- When playing The Noise's campaign or Swap Mode, the TV HUD and the combo meter text will be yellow.
- The Fake Peppino Chase ending background has had the Do Enter Not Inside! sign changed to Do Not Go Inside!
Per-Level Changes
- Noise's Tutorial shows off differences between Noise and Peppino.
- All boss fights give The Noise a special ability to throw bombs instead of grabbing.
- In Vigilante's fight, The Noise will disrespect his honorable draw and shoot him instantly.
- The Doise replaces Noise as the third boss.
- Fake Peppino is noticeably faster in his chase sequence when playing as The Noise.
- The Noise will angrily yell at Fake Peppino if he gets caught, causing him to be scared and run away, making loss consequenceless.
- In John Gutter, the music is replaced with The Noise's Jam-Packed Radical Anthem.
- In Fastfood Saloon, Noise can kill Horsey after finishing a race with him.
- In Gnome Forest, Noise continues the level as himself instead of swapping with Gustavo and Brick.
- In GOLF, The Noise will rewrite the par if he goes over it.
- In The Pig City, The Noise will transform into a version of himself that hangs onto rails using his gloves, in a similar way to Gustavo and Brick.
- In Peppibot Factory, a bucket is placed at the start of the level, which follows the player and spills water on a row of electric sockets to disable them in a later section that would otherwise be difficult to traverse as The Noise.
- In Refrigerator-Refrigerador-Freezerator, the Noise chugs a keg of gasoline. This gives him the ability to fly, simliar to the Devil's Choice power up.
- In Don't Make A Sound, when caught by one of the Toppin Monsters, the Noise becomes a corpse, being unable to move before another Noise appears shortly after.
- In WAR, there are buckets placed throughout the level in place of where Gustavo would normally be. If there is an enemy nearby when the player runs into a bucket, it will splash water on the enemy, killing said enemy.
- In The Crumbling Tower of Pizza, The Noise will collect Noisette, a Noisey, and The Bucket. He will shove away everyone else he comes into contact with, including the bosses, Mort the Chicken, Snotty (if left alive prior) and Gerome.
The Doise Boss

The Noise has a special boss encounter on his debut floor, Vacation Resort. After buying the Boss Gate from Noisette on the floor, instead of The Noise's arena gate, it is instead replaced by The Doise's, a recolor bootleg version of Noise. The boss fight goes just as The Noise's, except with some differences:
- The arena takes place in what seems to be a hivemind of Doise creatures, melting and scrolling vertically.
- The Doise's bombs and Noiseys are replaced with boulders.
- Revisiting the boss after defeating it will show The Doise's dead corpse, granting the player an instant P-Rank.
For more information, check the page for The Doise Here.
Remember to read the wiki's trivia guidelines before adding trivia or making changes.
- The pre-release stream featured the likenesses of Peppino, The Noise, The Doise, El Diego], Maurice, Stupid Rat, and several more characters unrelated to Pizza Tower.
- In the weeks leading to The Noise Update's release, the update would be vaguely teased by Pizza Tower developers on Twitter. This included pictures and videos relating to buckets, a single frame of The Noise's deflating animation, and Mr. Sauceman announcing that The Noise has indeed spoken (I Need A Noise features the same sentiment in its official description).
- The Noise update was first shown off in December of 2023 by McPig on Twitter.
Every single Noise Sticker that gets slapped onto titlecards.
Promotional artwork
The Noise Update's Steam announcement banner.
Alternative Steam announcement banner.
The Noise Update's Steam wide grid. A Bucket can be seen under between letters "W" and "E".