Tower Secret Treasure/Pre-release
Early Test Build, GOLF, January and March Builds
The Tower Secret Treasure in these builds was found at a certain point in the level, sealed in a glass case on a pillar. After breaking the glass case and collecting the treasure, Pizza Time timer will start, and the player must return to the beginning of the level before the time runs out.
Halloween Demo
In Halloween Demo, the player needed to find all 5 Toppins, then head to where Pillar John is. After feeding the Toppins to him, he'd let them access the Tower Secret Treasure, which was a requirement to get S Rank. If the player has less than the required amount of Toppins, Pillar John will not let the player pass, leaving the treasure blocked until he's given the remaining Toppins.
Demo 2
The Treasures are seen at the end of the Ancient and Factory Challenges in this build, as Pillar John's role was changed to block the way to the Noise Satellite seen at the end of Ancient and Factory.
SAGE 2019 Demo to Now
In the SAGE 2019 Demo, The Tower Secret Treasure returns to being a collectable instead of a trigger for the escape timer. They're hidden around the levels, and when collected, will award the player with 1000 Pizza Points. Collecting all 3 treasures in the levels of this Demo completes its associated Cowboy Task.
In the beachandforest builds, the point value for the treasures was doubled, meaning collecting one gives the player 2000 points.
In April 2021 Build, The door leading to the Tower Secret Treasure now required Gerome to open them, however, Gerome could only only be picked up during Pizza Time. The Secret Treasures also served as an alternative way to end the level in the build, essentially creating a Pseudo-Lap 2.
In PT_Eggplantv15, Gerome can now be picked up at any time, however the point reward was removed, and every treasure was replaced with an eggplant.
- Originally, Tower Secret Treasures' movement was animated manually, rather than using a script.
- First version of Pizzascare and Strongcold had unique treasures, that were not reused for the final game.
- Strongcold was supposed to have a much more uniquely Xmas-Themed Treasure Room, however, this was scrapped due to the fact the frames have a lot of JPEG artifacting. A version that does not have this artifacting has yet to surface.
Old Tower Treasure animations
A jar of Peanut Butter, was first found in the Early Test Build then was found in Ancient Challenge then was found in Pizzascape, which then was moved to Ancient Cheese.
Collecting the Peanut Butter.
A unusual Can of Beans, was first found in the Factory Challenge, then was found in The Ancient Cheese, which was then moved to Oregano Desert.
Collecting the Can of Beans.
A Box simply labelled "FOOD", found in Bloodsauce Dungeon, which was then moved to WAR.
Collecting the Box of "FOOD".
An extremely artifacted Treasure room in Strongcold.
Unused Treasures
A peanut, found in Pizzascare/Pre-release.
Collecting the peanut.
A chocolate cake, found in Strongcold.
Collecting the chocolate cake.
Calzone, Mansion. Although unobtainable, it appears in the True Ending.
Eggplant, used in every level in the Eggplant Build, except for WAR.