Tower Secret Treasure

From Pizza Tower Wiki
Revision as of 20:28, 5 April 2024 by NeonPixelz (talk | contribs) (Removed the: "baseless speculation"s.)
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Tower Secret Treasures are optional collectables in Pizza Tower. They look like food items, hidden in levels and giving the player 3000 Pizza Points upon obtaining. They are located in janitor rooms, and require Gerome to unlock them, who is also hidden.

There are 19 treasures in total. Treasures affect the ending of the game. If the player collects all of the treasures, they fly out of Peppino and revive John, who afterwards punches away Pizzahead. However, if the player fails to do so, Peppino will instead look towards the screen disappointed and will walk away. It will also affect one of the ending images, removing John from it.


For early appearances and scrapped ideas, see the pre-release page here: Tower Secret Treasure/Pre-release


This section is dedicated to trivia and miscellaneous information about Tower Secret Treasure.
Remember to read the wiki's trivia guidelines before adding trivia or making changes.
  • The Peanut Butter jar treasure is the oldest Tower Secret Treasure implemented during development.
    • In line with this, it is told in one of the Peppino cross-over comics with Chesterfield, that the Peanut Butter jar treasure was at least 4000 years old. It hasn't been confirmed if this is the case with the in-game object too.
  • The stick of butter treasure is a reference to an old Pizza Tower fan animation.
  • The jelly-filled onigiri treasure references an iconic meme of the Pokémon anime, where in the 4Kids dub of the anime, onigiri were referred to as jelly-filled donuts on several occasions, an example can be found here.
  • The burger from GOLF references the Primo Burg, which is shown when the player gets the greaseball to the goal with a low enough amount of hits.
  • Despite Mansion not appearing in the final game, its treasure (a calzone) still appears in the cutscene for the true ending.



In-game miscellaneous

Scrapped animations