Noise's Hardoween
Cactus goes well on pizza.
This build has a page on The Cutting Room Floor.
I've lost my orders again. This day is going to suck!
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Noise's Hardoween is a public demo of Pizza Tower heavily based on the SAGE 2019 Demo, meant to celebrate Halloween. This demo features sprites created by members of the now-defunct Pizza Tower Discord, and an early version of Pizzascare, which at the time was a harder version of Pizzascape.

Snick can be found in the hub area dressed up as a ghost and The Noise is the only playable character, with a deep blue and orange palette by default. This demo also includes extra palettes for The Noise, including a "Grunch" color. Enemies in this level also have alternative palettes.
In this demo, The Noise has a similar playstyle to Peppino, where The Noise rides a skateboard to gain speed, has a slightly higher jump, and cannot taunt at all. Reaching max speed as The Noise is faster than Peppino, making him harder to handle.
The level that the player can play normally is a early version of a which you can find here for more info.
Remember to read the wiki's trivia guidelines before adding trivia or making changes.
- Though The Noise cannot taunt in this build, he can analog dab if the player is using a controller and presses the left trigger button.
- Because of an oversight in the code, attempting to load into some rooms from the SAGE 2019 Demo (using something like a modding tool) causes the game to crash due to some enemies like Pencers not having a dedicated palette sprite.
- This is the first build of the game where The Noise got his unique set of clothes, with only "Fast Porcupine" and "Flesh Eater" appearing in the final game. It's also the first introduction of in-game swappable clothes, with Demo 2 only having the ability to change clothes in the main menu.
Decoration winners
The users that had their halloween decorations added to the demo:
- ReallySpookyMan
- AvastAntiPony9445
- SolidVoid
- Evil Sonic
- BrieMuffins (formally BonnieMuffins)
- PinPanPaint
- Fallatious
- Chonixtu
- Pr3tz31
- VorcoRotGut
- Jacko Price
- Tocinin
- Cactus Companion
- Shroomster.
Pizza Tower | Prerelease builds from|
2018 | |
2019 | |
2020 | |
2021 | |
2022 | |
2023 |