Western Build

From Pizza Tower Wiki

Cactus goes well on pizza.

This build has a page on The Cutting Room Floor.

Western Build is a build of Pizza Tower, that finishes the roster of levels from the second world and adds the Vigilante as a playable character. It was released on April 26th, 2020.


This build added Fun Farm and Space Pinball, along with a completely finished Wasteyard.

This build also added The Vigilante as a playable character and nerfed Peppino's superjump to make the players explore more parts of the level, otherwise every level would be easy.

Differences in Movesets


Peppino's superjump was nerfed, but later patched in Western Build v2, but with another small nerf. You can find more information about it here.

The Vigilante

The Vigilante became playable, but he has a health system and is unable to use any transformations besides the ball transformation. You can find more information about it here.

The Noise

Version 2 added his grab back to prevent softlocks in levels where the gun is required, but removed his bombs. You can find more information about it here.


World 1

World 2

World Extras


  • This was the third build to introduce one of the 7 Transformation Blocks in the game, in this case being the Mort Cube.
  • Pizza Tower Guy asked Mort The Chicken's development team if he could use Mort and they agreed.
  • The Game will Crash If Player 2 Touches any Enemy or Gate etc.
  • This is the first build to feature Sertif as a programmer[1].