List of levels

From Pizza Tower Wiki
Revision as of 20:38, 31 May 2020 by (talk)
World Level name Setting Gimmicks/features (introduced ones in bold) Enemies (introduced ones in bold) Secret Treasure Rank thresholds
Tutorial A broken-down pizza restaurant loaded with cardboard cutouts of Totino the Pizza Boy. Cheeseslime, Forknight, Pizza Boy None None
Tower Passage Entrance The tower's interior, home to an abstract monochrome cityscape and jungle. Banana peels, Ball transformation Cheeseslime, Forknight, Pizza Boy, Swedish Monkey, Mini John

S: 11500

A: 8625

B: 5750

C: 2875

Pizzascape The exterior and interior of a medieval castle. Banana peels (read trivia 1), Ball transformation, Knight transformation Cheeseslime, Forknight, Pepperoni Goblin, Pizzard
File:Peanut butter.png

S: 11000

A: 8250

B: 5500

C: 2750

As of Western Build

S: 10300

A: 7725

B: 5150

C: 2575

The Ancient Cheese Ancient ruins in the middle of many surreal food-based environments. Ball transformation, Knight transformation, Bomb transformation Cheeseslime, Forknight, Pepperoni Goblin, Pizzard, Pizza Box Goblin, Pencer

S: 11600

A: 8700

B: 5800

C: 2900

As of Western Build

S: 11200

A: 8400

B: 5600

C: 2800

Bloodsauce Dungeon A vertically-built dungeon filled to the brim with boiling hot sauce. Ball transformation, Knight transformation, Bomb transformation, Pizza cutters, Firebutt transformation Cheeseslime, Forknight, Pepperoni Goblin, Pizzard, Pizza Box Goblin, Pencer, Flying Anchovy

S: 10400

A: 7800

B: 5200

C: 2600

As of Western Build

S: 10300

A: 7725

B: 5150

C: 2575

Pizza Arena The Noise None
Dragon Lair A lair where the Cheese Dragon resides with a gauntlet filled with many enemies, obstacles, and transformations from previous levels. Banana peels, Ball transformation, Knight transformation, Bomb transformation, Pizza cutters, Firebutt transformation, Toppin Warriors, Junk, Enemy blocksWeenie mount transformation, Bowling balls

Cheeseslime, Forknight, Swedish Monkey, Mini John, Pepperoni Goblin, Pizzard, Pizza Box Goblin, Pencer, Flying Anchovy, Camembert SquireCheese Dragon


S: 4500

A: 3375

B: 2250

C: 1125

Weird West Oregano Desert A wide open desert level with TNT, boulders, and free milk, as well as a UFO at the end. Ball transformation, Bomb transformation, Weenie mount transformation, TNT Blocks, Rocks, Firemouth transformation, Free milk stands, Noise trap boulders, Pizza shield Cheeseslime, Pepperoni Goblin, Pizza Box Goblin, Pencer, Flying Anchovy, Camembert Squire, Tribe Cheese, Kentucky Kenny

S: 13400

A: 10050

B: 6700

C: 3350

The Wasteyard A graveyard in the middle of the wild west. Ball transformation, TNT Blocks, Rocks, Firemouth transformation, Free milk stands, Noise trap boulders, Pizza shield, Teleporter pizzas, Ghost Transformation, Cheese graters, Tombstones, ShotgunMetal detectors, Target blocks Tribe Cheese, Kentucky Kenny, Ranch Shooter, Bandito Chicken

S: 11855

A: 8891

B: 5927

C: 2963

Fun Farm A farm formerly owned by John E. Cheese with a barn where Mort the Chicken lives. Ball transformation, Pizza cutters, Firebutt transformation, TNT Blocks, Rocks, Firemouth transformation, Free milk stands, Pizza shield, Teleporter pizzas, Ghost transformation, Tombstones, Shotgun, Metal detectors, Target blocks, Mort transformation, Mort cubes, Corn dishes, Flying ladders, Flammable haystacks, Hot air balloon Noise, Surprise enemies Cheeseslime, Pepperoni Goblin, Pencer, Flying Anchovy, Tribe Cheese, Kentucky Kenny, Ranch Shooter, Bandito Chicken

S: 10300

A: 7725

B: 5150

C: 2575

Space Pinball A U.F.O featuring many pinball machines, each with different themes. Ball transformation, Knight transformation, Firebutt transformation, Enemy blocks, TNT Blocks, Rocks, Firemouth transformation, Free milk stands, Teleporter pizzas, Ghost transformation, Tombstones, Mort transformation, Mort cubes, Corn dishes, Flammable haystacks, Tomato blocks, Goblinbots, Timed gates, Warp points Mini John, Pizzard, Tribe Cheese, Kentucky Kenny, Ranch Shooter, Bandito Chicken, U.F.Olive

S: 10950

A: 8212

B: 5475

C: 2737

Pizza Showdown The Noise
World 2 Boss Fight Desert World Boss
Island Adventure Beach A level that takes place at sunset featuring a cruise ship, a beach with pink sand, and a cove near the end. Banana peels, Ball transformation, TNT Blocks, Rocks, Flying ladders, Barrel transformation, Balloons, Water currentsCannon Goblinbots Forknight, Swedish Monkey, Mini John, Pepperoni Goblin, Pencer, Bandito Chicken, Pineacool, Spit Cheese, Cannon Pizza Goblin, Piraneapple
Forest A forest village where various gnomes and goblins live, which look like Gustavo and The Noise respectively. Banana peels, Taxis/stop signs, Ball transformation, Knight transformation, Pizza cutters, Target blocks, Firemouth transformation, Free milk stands, Noise trap boulders, Ghost transformation, Tombstones, Balloons, Barrel transformation, Water currents, Mushrooms, Gustavo's pizzas, Pizza delivery, Gnome customers Cheeseslime, Forknight, Pepperoni Goblin, Pizzard, Flying Anchovy, Tribe Cheese, Kentucky Kenny, Ranch Shooter, Cannon Pizza Goblin, Spit Cheese, Pineacool, Piraneapple, Pickle, Noise Goblin
Kung Fu A chinese dojo with ninjas. Ninja Slice
Mansion A level that takes place in a mansion. Flammable haystacks, Pepperman chaseBasketball minigame Cheeseslime, Forknight, Pencer, Spit Cheese, Big Cheese, Peasanto, Grandpa, Pepperman
Pizza Dash The Noise
World 3 Boss Fight Island World Boss
City Passage Streets A level that will probably introduce the weenies. Weenie, Smoked Weenie
Sewer A sewer level with stinky cheese. Cheese blocks, Outlet/Plug blocks, Tomato Blocks, Cheeseball transformation, Conveyor belts

Cheeseslime, Forknight, Ninja Slice, Big Cheese, Peasanto, Trash Pan

Factory A level that takes place in a factory. Outlet/Plug blocks, Conveyor belts, Boxxed transformation, Cheese chutes, Sticky cheese transformation Cheeseslime, Weenie, Smoked Weenie, Peppino Robot, Box Stamper, Grabbie Hand, Cheese Peppino Robot
Freezer A level that takes place in a freezer. Conveyor belts, Washing machine transformation, Ice blocks Cheeseslime, Forknight, Spit Cheese, Big Cheese, Peasanto, Peppino Robot, Pizzice
Pizza Time The Noise
World 4 Boss Fight City World Boss
Horror Passage Circus Not much info on this level yet Clownmato
Restaurant A level that takes place in a back-alley restaurant at night.
Lights Out
Kids' Party
Pizza Heist The Noise
World 5 Boss Fight Horror World Boss
Pizza Passage Tower Finale
Pizzaface Boss Fight Pizzaface

Extra Levels

Level name Setting Gimmicks/features (introduced ones in bold) Enemies (introduced ones in bold) Secret Treasure Rank thresholds
Pizzascare A darker and spookier version of Pizzascape's medieval castle. Banana peels, Ball transformation, Knight transformation Cheeseslime, Forknight, Pepperoni Goblin, Pizzard S: 10000




Strongcold Bloodsauce Dungeon, but completely frozen over. Teleporter pizzas, Ball transformation, Knight transformation, cheese blocks, Bomb transformation, Pizza cutters, Firebutt transformation, ice blocks Cheeseslime, Forknight, Pepperoni Goblin, Pizzard, Pizza Box Goblin, Pencer, Flying Anchovy S: 9000





  • The banana peel in Pizzascape has been removed for newer patreon builds.