Transformations: Difference between revisions

From Pizza Tower Wiki
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(→‎Revolver: added a bit of information on The Noise)
(subheader hell has been defeated, and began making some of the descriptions more neutral. also it's fireass, not firecape or firebutt)
Line 8:
''Cured by: Hitting a wall or taking damage''
[[Peppino]]The player will roll like a ball, smashing everything in his way except for Metal Blocks. While in this form, hetheye can't do anything except jump, and only regains control after hitting a wall. The speed at which Peppinothey rollsroll can be adjusted using directional input.
[[Peppino]] will roll like a ball, smashing everything in his way except for Metal Blocks. While in this form, he can't do anything except jump and only regains control after hitting a wall. The speed at which Peppino rolls can be adjusted using directional input.
The Noise has the same movement, except that he looks like a Donut
=== Ball Peppino ===
PT-spr_player_tumble.gif|'''spr_player_tumble'''<br>Ball Peppino rolling.
Spr player tumbleend.gif|'''spr_player_tumbleend'''<br>Peppino getting out of the Ball transformation.
File:Spr tv tumble 0.gif|'''spr_tv_tumble'''<br>Peppino depicted as an improvised Soccer ball in the HUD.
=== Ball Noise ===
Noisedonut.gif|'''spr_playerN_tumble'''<br>Ball Noise rolling.
Spr playerN tumbleend.gif|'''spr_playerN_tumbleend'''<br>The Noise getting out of the ball transformation.
PT-Spr tv tumbleN.gif|'''spr_tv_tumbleN'''<br>Ball Noise's HUD, depicting him being a donut inside a box of more donuts.
Line 34 ⟶ 28:
''Cured by: Interacting with a Priest''
[[Peppino]]The player wears super heavy knight armor, causing [[enemies]] to be crushed when jumping on them. He gains the ability to double jump and also ground pound using the sword from the Sword Stone. Upon touching a slope or a staircase, hethey will slide down it at high speeds, defeating any enemies and breaking any [[List of level assets|blocks]] in his path. While sliding, hethey retainsretain the ability to jump and can cancel the slide using the ground pound. If hethey hitshit a wall while sliding, the slide will end. This transformation can only destroy [[Stupid Rat]]s while sliding.
File:Sword Stone.png|Sword Stone.
=== Knight Peppino ===
Spr knightpep idle.gif|Knight Peppino's regular idle stance.
Line 58 ⟶ 50:
Peppinoknightnewhud.gif|Peppino being depicted as a mighty and valiant Knight in the HUD.
===Knight Noise===
File:Spr playerN knightsword.gif|'''spr_playerN_knightsword'''<br>The Noise grabbing the sword-fork from a sword stone, about to eat a plate of spaghetti.
File:Spr playerN knightstart.gif|'''spr_playerN_knightstart'''<br>The Noise getting struck by a thunder bolt and turning into Knight Noise.
File:Knightnoisevibin.gif|'''spr_playerN_knightidle'''<br>Knight Noise's idle animation.
File:Knight knoise .gif|'''spr_playerN_knightmove'''<br>Knight Noise marching not-so valiantly forwards.
File:Spr playerN knightjumpstart.gif|'''spr_playerN_knightjumpstart'''<br>Knight Noise preparing to jump.
File:Spr playerN knightjump.gif|'''spr_playerN_knightjump'''<br>Knight Noise jumping.
File:Spr playerN knightfall.gif|'''spr_playerN_knightfall'''<br>Knight Noise falling.
PT-Spr playerN knightdoublejump.gif|'''spr_playerN_knightdoublejump'''<br>Knight Noise double jumping.
PT-Spr playerN knightdoublejumpfall.gif|'''spr_playerN_knightdoublejumpfall'''<br>Knight Noise falling after double jumping.
File:Breakhead.gif|'''spr_playerN_knightland'''<br>Knight Noise landing.
File:Spr playerN knightdownslope.gif|'''spr_playerN_knightdownslope'''<br>Knight Noise sliding down a slope.
File:Spr playerN knightslide.gif|'''spr_playerN_knightslide'''<br>Knight Noise sliding.
File:PT-knightnoise-slideup.gif|'''spr_playerN_knightupslope'''<br>Knight Noise sliding up a slope.
PT-Spr playerN knightdowntrust.gif|'''spr_playerN_knightdowntrust'''<br>Knight Noise thrusting downwards. Thrust is spelled incorrectly.
PT-Spr playerN knightgroundbump.gif|'''spr_playerN_knightgroundbump'''<br>Knight Noise hitting a wall whilst sliding.
PT-Spr playerN knightfly.gif|'''spr_playerN_knightfly'''<br>Knight Noise jumping whilst sliding.
PT-Spr tv knightN.gif|'''spr_tv_knightN'''<br>Knight Noise's HUD, depicting him as a knight riding a Weenie Mount steed.
== FirebuttFireass ==
'''''Appears in:''' [[Bloodsauce Dungeon]], [[Fun Farm]], [[Deep-Dish 9]], & [[The Crumbling Tower of Pizza]]''
Line 87 ⟶ 77:
''Cured by: Wears off automatically or touching a priest.''
PeppinoThe player will be launched high upwards and screamsscream as histheir buttrear burns until landing onto aon solid surfaceground. HeTouching any enemies in this state will instantly defeat them. The player can still move aroundleft or right slightly while jumping and kills enemies on contact.
Spr player fireass.gif|Peppino comically jumping upwards afterwith coming into contact withhis somehands boilingbehind saucehim.
Boiling Sauce.gif|Boiling Sauce.
Spr player fireassground.gif|Peppino's flamingsliding button slidingthe floor with his rear afteron landingfire.
=== Firebutt Peppino ===
Spr player fireass.gif|Peppino comically jumping upwards after coming into contact with some boiling sauce.
Spr player fireassground.gif|Peppino's flaming butt sliding after landing.
File:Peppinofireassnewhud.gif|Peppino, depicted as an improvised Bonfire in the HUD.
=== Firecape Noise ===
Firecapeburn.gif|'''spr_playerN_fireass'''<br>The Noise feeling the adrenaline after his cape is set on fire.
Slidenoise.gif|'''spr_playerN_fireassground'''<br>The Noise sliding after landing.
PT-Spr tv fireassN.gif|'''spr_tv_fireassN'''<br>Firecape Noise's HUD, depicting him crying in pain as his cape burns.
Line 113 ⟶ 96:
''Cured by: Interacting with a Priest, getting kicked by a cow, or taking damage''
After eating a chicken wing, the player's mouth burst into flames. They lose the ability to grab in exchange for a dash attack, and their movement and jumps become more loose and slippery. Touching any enemy will instantly defeat them, and [[TNT Block|TNT Blocks]] will explode upon contact. [[The Noise]]'s jump is more floaty compared to [[Peppino]].
Peppino's mouth burns from the inside. He can move freely, but his jumps are more slippery and harder to control. The attack button can be used to dash in mid-air and will grant a slight speed boost afterwards. In this state, he can kill enemies and explode [[TNT Block]]s by touching them.
File:Chicken Wing.gif|ChickenA chicken wing.
=== Firemouth Peppino ===
<gallery widths="185">
Spr player firemouthintro.gif|Peppino eating the spicy wing.
Line 127 ⟶ 108:
File:Spr tv firemouth 0.gif|Peppino, depicted having a hard time eating a spicy chicken wing.
=== Firemouth Noise ===
Spr playerN firemouthintro.gif|'''spr_playerN_firemouthintro'''<br>Noise eating a gigantic, spicy wing and turning into Firemouth Noise.
PT-spr playerN firemouthidle.gif |'''spr_playerN_firemouthidle'''<br>Firemouth Noise's Idle animation.
Spr playerN firemouth.gif|'''spr_playerN_firemouth'''<br>Firemouth Noise running.
PT-spr playerN firemouthspin.gif |'''spr_playerN_firemouthspin'''<br>Firemouth Noise jumping.
PT-spr playerN firemouthdash.gif |'''spr_playerN_firemouthdash'''<br>Firemouth Noise dashing.
PT-Spr tv firemouthN.gif|'''spr_tv_firemouthN'''<br>The Noise being depicted about to eat a comically large spicy chicken wing in the HUD.
Line 145 ⟶ 124:
''Cured by: Interacting with a Priest or entering a Secret Eye''
PeppinoThe player becomes a ghost and can fly freely. HeThey becomes invincible and is able tomay pass through [[Cheese Grater|Cheese Graters]]. In this form, hethey moves quitemove slowly by default, but collectcan Ghostbecome Peppersfaster inby ordercollecting to[[Ghost increasePepper|Ghost hisPeppers]]. speedAfter andcollecting destructionone potential.Ghost WithPepper, oneenemies ghostwill pepperbe hedefeated canupon killtouch enemieswhile dashing, and destroy [[Breakable Block|Breakable Blocks]]s, andwill be destroyed. Collecting withthree 3will hereach reachesthe maximum speed and isallow ablethe player to destroy [[Ghost Block|Ghost Blocks]]s.<gallery> [[Peppino]] will automatically dash, while [[The Noise]] must press the grab button to dash manually.
File:Spr ghostshroom.gif|Mushroom Ghost
=== Ghost Peppino ===
File:DeathEnd.gif|Peppino's corpsebody after touching a Mushroom Ghost.
File:Spr player ghostidle.gif|Ghost Peppino floating.
File:Spr player ghostjump.gif|Ghost Peppino flying upward.
Line 161 ⟶ 139:
File:Spr tv ghost 0.gif|Peppino being depicted nonchalantly as a Ghost under a spotlight in the HUD.
=== Ghost Noise ===
Spr playerN ghostidle.gif|'''spr_playerN_ghostidle'''<br>Ghost Noise floating.
Spr playerN ghostjump.gif|'''spr_playerN_ghostjump'''<br>Ghost Noise flying upward.
Spr playerN ghostdash.gif|'''spr_playerN_ghostdash'''<br>Ghost Noise dashing to the right.
PT-Spr playerN ghostdashup.gif| '''spr_playerN_ghostdashup''' <br> Ghost Noise dashing up.
PT-Spr playerN ghostdashdown.gif|'''spr_playerN_ghostdashdown''' <br> Ghost Noise dashing down.
PT-Spr playerN ghostdashdownright.gif|'''spr_playerN_ghostdashdownright''' <br> Ghost Noise dashing horizontally to the bottom right.
PT-Spr playerN ghostdashupright.gif|'''spr_playerN_ghostdashupright''' <br> Ghost Moise dashing hoizontally to the top right.
Line 185 ⟶ 161:
Spr mortidle.gif|Mort.
=== Mort Peppino ===
Spr player mortidle.gif|Mort sitting on Peppino's head, while Peppino shows some discomfort.
Line 209 ⟶ 183:
Spr weeniemount.gif|Weenie mount.
=== Peppino on Weenie Mount ===
Spr player weeniemount.gif|Peppino riding on a Weenie Mount.
Line 216 ⟶ 188:
File:Spr tv weenie 0.gif|Peppino being depicted as a Cowboy in the HUD while riding the Weenie Mount, Revolver in hand.
=== The Noise on Weenie Mount ===
Spr playerN weeniemount.gif|The Noise riding on a Weenie Mount.
Line 231 ⟶ 201:
''Cured by: Phase transition (Pizzahead/Pizzaface boss fight only)''
Peppino obtains a revolver. Pressing the grab button fires a bullet. This may be constantly fired, slowly dealing damage to a boss. Holding grab will charge up the revolver, firing a large bullet that deals 6 damage once the charge is complete. The Noise cannot use the revolver at all.<gallery>
File:Spr shotgun 0.png|Gun crate.
=== Revolver Peppino ===
File:Spr player pistolintro 0.gif|Peppino obtaining a revolver.
Line 245 ⟶ 214:
File:Pepgunned.gif|Peppino firing the revolver.
File:Spr player pistolshotend 0.gif|Peppino ready to shoot with a angry/valiant face during the transition to the next phase of a boss fight, or when he defeats The Vigilante during the quick draw segment.
=== Peppino’s Bullets ===
File:Spr peppinobullet.gif|Peppino Bullet being fired.
File:Landbullet.gif|Peppino Bullet hitting a wall. This animation is never used.
Line 267 ⟶ 233:
Spr barrel.png|Barrel.
=== Barrel Peppino ===
Spr player barrelidle new.gif|Peppino sitting inside a Barrel.
Line 278 ⟶ 242:
PT-spr_tv_barrel.gif|Peppino being depicted in a castaway situation in the HUD.
=== Barrel Noise ===
PT-spr playerN barrelidle 0.gif|The Noise sitting in a Barrel upside down.
Line 304 ⟶ 266:
Spr rocketnerd dead.png|Rocket's defeated sprite, after the transformation ends.
=== Rocket Peppino ===
Peppinorocketstart.gif|Peppino getting on a rocket.
Line 325 ⟶ 285:
Spr cheeseball.gif|Cheeseball.
=== Cheeseball Peppino ===
Spr player cheeseball.gif|Peppino getting caught in a Cheeseball.
PT-spr_tv_cheeseball.gif|Peppino sitting on a top of a big sandwich with Meatballs and cheese with a Cheeseball being sent his way in the HUD.
===Cheeseball Noise===
Spr playerN cheeseball.gif|'''spr_playerN_cheeseball'''<br>Cheeseball Noise's rolling animation.
Line 347 ⟶ 301:
Peppino gets covered in sticky cheese, with pepperoni slices covering his eyes and green peppers covering his eyebrows and mustache. In this form, he is incredibly slow, but can cling to walls and jump off of them. He is also capable of defeating [[Stupid Rat]]s simply by touching them. When The Noise obtains this transformation, the transformation is more of the "Sticky Rat" transformation.
=== Sticky Cheese Peppino ===
PT-spr_cheesepep_idle.gif|Cheese Peppino's idle animation.
Line 365 ⟶ 318:
''Cured by: Interacting with a Priest or taking damage''
Peppino gets trapped in a pizza box. In this state, he will gradually gain speed while walking and is more slippery, but he is able to go through small gaps at a faster speed than crawling. It also grants him ability to flap ten times in the air before dropping to a solid surface. The grab attack is replaced by a spin attack, which can be extended by holding the grab button.<gallery>
File:Boxcrusher1.gif|Box Stamper
=== Boxed Peppino ===
Spr boxxedpep intro new.gif|Peppino getting flattened and boxed up.
Spr boxxedpep idle new.gif|Boxed Peppino's idle animation.
Line 387 ⟶ 338:
''Cured by: Interacting with a Free Milk Stand''
Once picked up, Peppino will consume the pizza and his skin will turn fully red as he makes a maliciously triumphant pose. The player becomes invincible to all enemies and their attacks, able to defeat them by simply touching them. Pressing the jump button in midair will let the player spin and continuously fly upwards. This spin can break [[Ice Block|Frozen Blocks]]. This transformation cannot be removed by a [[Priest]], but can be removed by a Free Milk Stand. This can stack with other transformations.<gallery>
File:Spr pizzapepper.gif|Pepper Pizza
=== Pepper Pizza Peppino ===
File:PT-spr_player_gottreasure.gif|Peppino collecting a slice of the "Satan's Choice" Pepper Pizza. Also seen when collecting a [[Tower Secret Treasure]] or a small key.
File:PT-spr_player_poweredup.gif|Peppino feeling a great sense of power after consuming the Pepper Pizza.
Line 407 ⟶ 356:
''Cured by: Passing by a Metal Detector''
Peppino obtains a shotgun. Pressing the grab button fires a shot, which can destroy [[Target Block]]s. This powerup cannot be removed by a [[Priest]], but can be removed by a Metal Detector. Peppino is also able to enter other transformations while holding the Shotgun (except those that require a grab, like the Knight Sword), such as the Rocket and Animatronic transformation.<gallery>
File:Spr shotgun 0.png|Gun crate
=== Shotgun Peppino ===
<gallery widths="185">
File:Spr shotgun 0.png|Gun crate.
Newshotgunanim (1).gif|Peppino obtaining and racking the Shotgun.
PT-spr_shotgun_idle-CROPPED.gif|Peppino standing still, shotgun in hand.
Line 437 ⟶ 384:
Peppino is trapped inside an animatronic shell and loses a total of 60 [[Pizza Points]], 10 points at a time, before breaking free automatically. His walking speed and jump height are greatly reduced, and he cannot perform a grab or dash. Upon gaining this transformation, any current combo will immediately end.
=== Animatronic Peppino/Peshino ===
Animatronicpep.gif|Animatronic Peppino/Peshino.
=== Dead Noise ===
Animatronicpep.gif|Animatronic Peppino/, also known as Peshino.
File:Spr playerN animatronic.gif|DeadThe Noise's corpse.
Line 458 ⟶ 399:
Clowntent.gif|A clown tent.
==== Clown Peppino ====
File:Clown idle.gif|Clown Peppino moving in a tiny clown car.
File:Clown bump.gif|Clown Peppino bumping into a ceiling.

Revision as of 17:31, 27 March 2024

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Notes: The Noise's transformations need to be added.

Transformations are special abilities and moves given to the player in Pizza Tower upon certain interactions with enemies and objects. Most transformations can be used to destroy Stupid Rats and are cured by interacting with a Priest, taking damage, getting into the Secret Eye, or interacting with a Dash Pad; the only exceptions are the Shotgun (Metal Detector), Revolver (Pizzaface/Pizzahead's Phase Transition), and Pepper Pizza (Free Milk Stand).


Appears in: Pizzascape, Ancient Cheese, Bloodsauce Dungeon, GOLF, Peppibot Factory, Pizzascare, The Crumbling Tower of Pizza, & Tricky Treat

Gained from: Getting kicked by a Pepperoni Goblin, Goblinbot, or Pepperoni Goblin Bat or thrown by a Big Cheese

Cured by: Hitting a wall or taking damage The player will roll like a ball, smashing everything in his way except for Metal Blocks. While in this form, theye can't do anything except jump, and only regains control after hitting a wall. The speed at which they roll can be adjusted using directional input.


Appears in: Pizzascape

Gained from: Grabbing a sword

Cured by: Interacting with a Priest

The player wears super heavy knight armor, causing enemies to be crushed when jumping on them. He gains the ability to double jump and also ground pound using the sword from the Sword Stone. Upon touching a slope or a staircase, they will slide down it at high speeds, defeating any enemies and breaking any blocks in his path. While sliding, they retain the ability to jump and can cancel the slide using the ground pound. If they hit a wall while sliding, the slide will end. This transformation can only destroy Stupid Rats while sliding.


Appears in: Bloodsauce Dungeon, Fun Farm, Deep-Dish 9, & The Crumbling Tower of Pizza

Gained from: Touching a pool of Boiling Sauce or Peasanto's torch

Cured by: Wears off automatically or touching a priest.

The player will be launched high upwards and scream as their rear burns until landing on solid ground. Touching any enemies in this state will instantly defeat them. The player can still move left or right slightly while jumping.


Appears in: Oregano Desert

Gained from: Eating one of a Kentucky Kenny's spicy chicken wings

Cured by: Interacting with a Priest, getting kicked by a cow, or taking damage

After eating a chicken wing, the player's mouth burst into flames. They lose the ability to grab in exchange for a dash attack, and their movement and jumps become more loose and slippery. Touching any enemy will instantly defeat them, and TNT Blocks will explode upon contact. The Noise's jump is more floaty compared to Peppino.


Appears in: Wasteyard & Tricky Treat

Gained from: Coming into contact with a Mushroom Ghost

Cured by: Interacting with a Priest or entering a Secret Eye

The player becomes a ghost and can fly freely. They becomes invincible and may pass through Cheese Graters. In this form, they move slowly by default, but can become faster by collecting Ghost Peppers. After collecting one Ghost Pepper, enemies will be defeated upon touch while dashing, and Breakable Blocks will be destroyed. Collecting three will reach the maximum speed and allow the player to destroy Ghost Blocks. Peppino will automatically dash, while The Noise must press the grab button to dash manually.


Appears in: Fun Farm

Gained from: Picking up Mort

Cured by: Interacting with a Priest, taking damage, entering a Secret Eye, entering Firebutt transformation, or falling into a bottomless pit

Mort the Chicken perches on top of Peppino's head. With Mort, Peppino gains the ability to double jump, can perform a smack attack in 3 different directions, and can hook onto Mort Hooks for extra height.

Weenie Mount

Appears in: Fast Food Saloon & The Crumbling Tower of Pizza

Gained from: Mounting a weenie mount or killing the (scrapped) enemy Camembert Squire

Cured by: Dismounting a weenie mount or interacting with a Priest (unseen normally)

Peppino or The Noise mounts a Weenie, and is allowed to run around freely at high speeds, defeating any enemies in his way. In this state, he can't get damaged upon contact with an enemy. Jumping in this state will cause the player to enter a long jump but will also make them dismount the weenie.


Appears in: The Vigilante's Boss Fight & Pizzahead's Boss Fight

Gained from: Interacting with a gun crate during a boss fight.

Cured by: Phase transition (Pizzahead/Pizzaface boss fight only)

Peppino obtains a revolver. Pressing the grab button fires a bullet. This may be constantly fired, slowly dealing damage to a boss. Holding grab will charge up the revolver, firing a large bullet that deals 6 damage once the charge is complete. The Noise cannot use the revolver at all.


Appears in: Crust Cove

Gained from: Jumping into a barrel

Cured by: Interacting with a Priest or taking damage

Peppino or The Noise gets stuck in a barrel. He can walk around freely and perform a roll to defeat enemies and break blocks. The barrel will change directions if it hits a wall, and depending on the character, will be launched upwards upon contact with a slope (Peppino) or will start rolling up the wall upon contact with a slope. (The Noise)


Appears in: Deep-Dish 9, WAR, & The Crumbling Tower of Pizza

Gained from: Grabbing towards a rocket

Cured by: Hitting a wall, dismounting the rocket, taking damage, or interacting with a Priest (unseen normally)

Peppino is stuck to a rocket and propels forward until he crashes into a wall, causing the rocket to explode and Peppino to tumble down. He can slightly redirect the rocket up or down, and can turn around if he were touching the surface. When The Noise obtains this transformation, he eats the rocket whole and becomes the rocket himself. This transformation can be cancelled by hitting a wall or jumping.


Appears in: Oh Shit!

Gained from: Getting stuck in a Cheeseball

Cured by: Hitting a wall, transitioning into the Sticky Cheese transformation in the process, or interacting with a Priest (unseen normally)

Peppino gets stuck in a Cheeseball and will roll uncontrollably until he hits a wall, which ends the transformation and causes the Sticky Cheese transformation. In this form, the player has no control of Peppino and will be launched upwards upon contact with a slope. Hitting Super Side Springs bounces Peppino in the opposite direction.

Sticky Cheese

Appears in: Oh Shit!

Gained from: Ending the Cheeseball transformation

Cured by: Interacting with a Priest or taking damage

Peppino gets covered in sticky cheese, with pepperoni slices covering his eyes and green peppers covering his eyebrows and mustache. In this form, he is incredibly slow, but can cling to walls and jump off of them. He is also capable of defeating Stupid Rats simply by touching them. When The Noise obtains this transformation, the transformation is more of the "Sticky Rat" transformation.


Appears in: Peppibot Factory

Gained from: Getting crushed by a Box Stamper

Cured by: Interacting with a Priest or taking damage

Peppino gets trapped in a pizza box. In this state, he will gradually gain speed while walking and is more slippery, but he is able to go through small gaps at a faster speed than crawling. It also grants him ability to flap ten times in the air before dropping to a solid surface. The grab attack is replaced by a spin attack, which can be extended by holding the grab button.

Pepper Pizza

Appears in: Refrigerator-Refrigerador-Freezerator

Gained from: Eating the "Satan's Choice" Pepper Pizza

Cured by: Interacting with a Free Milk Stand

Once picked up, Peppino will consume the pizza and his skin will turn fully red as he makes a maliciously triumphant pose. The player becomes invincible to all enemies and their attacks, able to defeat them by simply touching them. Pressing the jump button in midair will let the player spin and continuously fly upwards. This spin can break Frozen Blocks. This transformation cannot be removed by a Priest, but can be removed by a Free Milk Stand. This can stack with other transformations.


Appears in: Don't Make A Sound, WAR, & The Crumbling Tower of Pizza

Gained from: Interacting with a gun crate

Cured by: Passing by a Metal Detector

Peppino obtains a shotgun. Pressing the grab button fires a shot, which can destroy Target Blocks. This powerup cannot be removed by a Priest, but can be removed by a Metal Detector. Peppino is also able to enter other transformations while holding the Shotgun (except those that require a grab, like the Knight Sword), such as the Rocket and Animatronic transformation.


Appears in: Don't Make A Sound

Gained from: Being caught by a Toppin Monster

Cured by: Wears off automatically

Peppino is trapped inside an animatronic shell and loses a total of 60 Pizza Points, 10 points at a time, before breaking free automatically. His walking speed and jump height are greatly reduced, and he cannot perform a grab or dash. Upon gaining this transformation, any current combo will immediately end.


Appears in: Vacation Resort secret room

Gained from: Entering a clown tent

Cured by: Wears off automatically

Peppino becomes a clown and is forced to drive a clown car forward nonstop. While in the clown car, he can jump and climb up walls by either jumping on them, or by bumping onto them. The transformation ends after 10 seconds. The player can leave the room during the transformation by hitting the top of the right wall and continuously jumping to maneuver Peppino into the hole.


For cut transformations and scrapped ideas, see Transformations/Pre-release


  • Several of these transformations bear a striking resemblance to those in the Wario Land series, a major source of inspiration during Pizza Tower's development.
    • The Knight transformation functions similarly to Snowman Wario, with some resemblance to Fat Wario as well.
    • The Bomb transformation was likely based on Flaming Wario. Early Test Build even had its music play when activated.
    • The Ghost transformation is similar to Bat Wario from Wario Land 4, and Vampire Wario's bat form from Wario Land 3.
    • The Barrel transformation was initially similar to Snowman Wario, but its final version is very different.
    • The Cheeseball transformation is similar to Frozen Wario and Ball o' String Wario.
    • Peppino's Boxed transformation is visually similar to Flat Wario, but is closer to Tiny Wario from Wario Land II in terms of function.
      • The Noise under this transformation appears to be conceptually identical to Tiny Wario.
    • The Sticky Cheese transformation is similar to Zombie Wario.
    • The Ball transformation is not based on a transformation, but rather Wario's Roll move from Wario Land 4.
      • In addition, Peppino's super jump functions similarly to both Flat Wario and Spring Wario, for aiming the jump and launching into the air respectively.
  • The Barrel transformation was the first transformation made for the game.
  • The Shotgun's hud animation appears to be a nod to Duke Nukem. This is more apparent in Patreon builds pre-dating April 2021, where upon picking up either the Shotgun or Chaingun (Peppino and The Noise respectively), Peppino can be seen in the TV quoting the Duke Nukem meme Dick Kickem.
  • The Revolver ability was inspired by Donald Duck's gun in the game Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow.
  • In Sticky Cheese form, Peppino's pepperoni eyes and green pepper facial hair cause him to resemble Pizzaface.