Kung Fu

From Pizza Tower Wiki

Kung Fu is an unused level in Pizza Tower.

It's a bustling Chinatown overrun by Shrimp Thugs.






  • This level was inspired by the Streets of Rage franchise.
  • It would later be merged into another unused level, Space Pinball, which would then be heavily retooled into Fast Food Saloon for the final game.
  • Many elements of this level would be reused in other parts of the game.
    • Ball Blocks, reskinned and renamed as Pin Stupid Rats, later made their debut in Golf.
    • The Chinatown setting and the Shrimp Thugs were repurposed for the Gustavo section of City.
    • The second background was reused for a secret hub room on the fourth floor.
    • The third background was reused for the Slum Chef Tasks room.
