
From Pizza Tower Wiki
Revision as of 01:44, 16 May 2023 by wikia:pizzatower>MechaMan was taken (neither city nor exit are in the rework build. they had already been replaced with streets and top, respectively)

City is an unused level in Pizza Tower.

It's a typical suburb, full with features that would later appear in other levels.






  • Parts of this level were later reused in many different levels:
    • The main part of the level was "fused" with Kung Fu, creating what became The Pig City.
    • The dark sections of the level were eventually incorporated to Kids' Party, becoming Don't Make a Sound.
    • The Pizzaland section would become its own level called Circus, but that too was scrapped.
  • Interestingly enough, many features associated with Sewer were actually introduced here, such as Cheeseball, Sewer Pipes and Ninja Slices.
    • It is comical to note that Sewer originally used Bite The Crust as its secondary song, a song that would later be used for The Pig City, City's spiritual sucessor.
  • This level only appeared in the April 2021 build. It shares this characteristic with Exit.
  • The level would've included many looping paths, a possible reference to the maze-like feeling of many modern cities.
