Oregano Desert

From Pizza Tower Wiki

Oregano Desert is the first level of the Weird West, as well as sixth level overall in Pizza Tower.

The majority of the level takes place in a desert with giant pizzas in the background, the player then enters a cave, and finally enters a crashed UFO.

It has an escape time limit of 2:00.




  • Firemouth
  • Ball
  • Bomb
  • Weenie mount


  • Noise trap boulders
  • TNT Block
  • Free milk stands
  • Pizza shield


Pizza Tower of the West

The main room, includes some Tribe Cheeses. A secret just at the left of the gate, but the player need to do a Super jump to get there, another secret where there are some toppings in a suspicious 1-tile shorter hole, and some more bonus points but again the player need to do a Super Jump.

Rooting and Tooting

The 2nd room. Includes some Goblins, a Pencer and some more Tribe Cheese.

Good Ol' Pizzamart

The 3rd room, there is a Pizzamart, a Tribe Cheese, a Flying Anchovy and a Cheeseslime.

Do You Have Pizza?

The 1st room in the Pizzamart. There are sadly no shotguns to buy, a Big Pizza Block in a hole on the ceiling, another 2 Tribe Cheeses, and some more blocks to destroy.

Storage Room

A sort of storage room, accessed by a box of pizzas in "Do You Have Pizza?". Has the Key, a Squire, and some toppings.

Eating Spicy Today

Takes place in a closed area, has a Kentucky Kenny spawner, some more Tribe Cheeses, 2 Free Milk stands and some TNT blocks, though the player should look for a secret in the bottom of the room, because there is a fake wall that the player can destroy.

Mouth on Fire

Squishing Through

A Miner Problem

Cave Tale

Classic Boulder Scene

Weak Stomach

Weirder West

Western Loving Aliens

Kentucky Kenny Course

Really Really Hot

John the Alien

Secret Rooms + Treasure

Left or Right

The 1st or 2nd secret to find linked in the 1st room of the level.


Dumb as a Rock

Rocky Protection

Congratulations On Finding This

Definitely a Secret

Placing That Holder

It's a treasure room.


  • The room "Classic Boulder Scene" is a nod to the famous scene from Indiana Jones, also featuring a boulder.
  • The room "Cave Tale" might be a nod to the title of Cave Story.
