Flying Anchovy

From Pizza Tower Wiki

Template:Basic Enemy Info (Better) Flying Anchovy is an enemy in Pizza Tower.


Flying Anchovy is a small light blue anchovy with two small white black-pupiled eyes and a pair of white wings. It visibly struggles to keep itself flying, sweating as it flails its entire body just to remain afloat.

Flying Anchovy is described as being extremely nearsighted, thinking the player is a big fly as it have poor eyesight.


"These flying fish thinks that Peppino is a big fly, somehow. They have very bad eyesight and need glasses. Avoid them while they charge or grab them before they start!"
— The manual.

Flying Anchovy flaps in place, awaiting the player. Once the player has entered its horizontal view at Mach 2 or lower, it'll charge at them in a straight line, hurting the player on contact only stopping once it hits a wall, becoming stunned on the impact, or is stunned by a player's jump. While stunned, Flying Anchovy loses the ability to fly for a short bit before returning in the air to strike once more. Flying Anchovy will become defeated when hit at Mach 2 or higher, thrown after a grab, thrown another enemy, hit by most transformations, or in contact with some environmental hazards like Boiling Sauce and Outlets.


  • Flying Anchovy was originally the air equivalent of a Cheeseslime, having no defensive or offensive capabilities. In the Preearlytestbuild demo, they would only fly in place.


Regular animations
