Oregano Desert

From Pizza Tower Wiki
Revision as of 20:30, 23 February 2024 by Superplayer555 (talk | contribs) (→‎Locations: what kinda bug let me submit the unfinished changes)

Oregano Desert is the fifth level in Pizza Tower, and the first level of the Western District.

It's a scorching desert with massive pizzas in the sky and an underground cave system. A UFO piloted by U.F.Olives is found parked at its end, which flies off during Pizza Time.

The level's titlecard shows Peppino frantically running from a U.F.O. piloted by a cow, which is beaming up a Tribe Cheese totem and a Kentucky Kenny on a toilet reading a newspaper.


This level contains the following enemies:







Inside the first Pizzamart the player finds.


Inside the second Pizzamart.


In the third Pizzamart.


Inside the fourth Pizzamart, the player has a platforming challenge to complete.


Inside the fifth Pizzamart, the player has to do the platforming challenge to get it.

Tower Secret Treasure


Gerome is located in the top of the room, behind a Breakable Wall, the player has to bounce off the three TNT Blocks in order to get Gerome.


Gerome's door is located above the fourth Pizzamart, the player must superjump to the top or wall climb there. The Tower Secret Treasure is a can of Beans.

Secret Eyes


Secret Eye 1

In the fourth room, the player has to do a platforming challenge. One of the walls has cracks and an eyeball scribbled on it, hinting at its location.

This secret room is boxxed and full of Rock Blocks, the player has to break the Destructible Rocks to progress, possibly getting into the gaps full of points.

Template:Collectible screenshotseven

Secret Eye 3

Only accessible during Pizza Time. After completing the platforming challenge, the player must go back and break a Metal wall that has an eyeball carved on it.

This secret requires the player to avoid Cows that block the way by jumping above them while dashing to the Secret's exit.


In the room that introduces the crumbling orange blocks, right after the checkpoint, the player needs to run across the wall ahead at Mach 2 to reach the secret. In this secret, the player must break and outrun orange block chains to reap the rewards.

In the room that introduces the cow obstacles, the player must leap over the cows with the Firemouth transformation to break a TNT block behind the first cow. This secret requires the player to jump and air dash with Firemouth.

In the fifth Pizzamart, the player must complete the Firemouth platforming challenge to defeat the rat and be cured of the status by the Priest, then run and jump into the indented right wall with a Mach 2 dash to break the wall and reveal the secret. In this room, the player must retain momentum while leaping over sequences of cows.

Chef Tasks

This level has the following Chef Tasks:

Peppino's Rain Dance
Reactivate a totem by dancing with the mach dash in Oregano Desert.
Unnecessary Violence
Kill all of the clerk sausages in the pizzamarts.
Alien Cow
Dont get hit by a single cow in Oregano Desert.


  • In previous builds, there was a Camembert Squire in one of Pizzamarts.
  • Before the rooms were redesigned, all of the rooms looked similiar/were the exact same as the Christmas Race Build.
  • It was first called Desert in the January Monthly Build and despite having final name in Desert Playtest, it was temporarily called Badland in PT_Eggplantv15 build.
  • The Noise originally had a Gimmick in older demos of Oregano Desert, where he would have Boulder Traps set up, or would attempt to push a rock onto Peppino's head to mess him up.
  • In earlier builds, mainly "PT time challenge 1", some of the rooms look more like Ancient from Demo 2.
  • The maximum combo that the player can reach in Oregano Desert is 90.


Regular sprites

Hub assets


Scrapped sprites