The Vigilante

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"Cockslime likes your cock"
— Toppinbot.

The CockSlime is the second boss in Pizza Tower.


The CockSlime is a Cheeseslime wearing a cowboy hat and having a huge cock. He is the grandson of Jhon E. Cum, the former owner of Fun Farm, which he now owns. He was apparently tricked by Pizzaslut into thinking Peppino is a wanted criminal using forgery, leading to his fight at the Western District.

Boss Room

To access the boss room, the player needs to pay Mr. Shit 150$, or 15 Toppins.

The room is a stage play-like arena, made out of painted wood with desert-themed cutouts, and with the background being a painted wall of the Tower. As Peppino enters the boss fight, The Cockslime looks at a "wanted" poster with Peppino on it.

During the second phase, the background changes to sunset and everything else is silhouetted.

Boss Fight

Main Gimmick of the Fight

The Cockslime hands Peppino a pistol to use for the whole fight. This replaces the grab and can rapidly fire bullets or be charged for a giant, stronger bullet. However, the stronger bullet gets shot immediately after being charged, so the player needs to wait for the right moment to use it. The pistol is the player's only means of damaging The Vigilante, as he does not leave himself open for any other attacks.

Regular shots can take one of The Vigilante's HP in 8 shots. The stronger shot deals 6 damage out of 8 required.

Phase 1

After each hit, he changes his attack pattern:

  • Cum Bullets; Dash and Dive Kick
  • Dynamite Toss; Cum Bullets; Dash and Dive Kick
  • Bullet Spray; Dynamite Toss
  • Bullet Spray; Cheese Bullets
  • Dash and Dive Kick
  • Bazooka; Dynamite Toss; Cheese Bullets; Dash and Dive Kick
  • Flamethrower; Dynamite Toss
  • Flamethrower
  • Herd Call; Dynamite Toss; Cheese Bullets

After each hit and some of the attacks, The Cockslime slides away from the player, making him temporarily invincible.

Cheese Bullets

The southern swiss slime fires his revolver at the player, firing cheesy bullets that the player needs to quickly jump over. As the fight progress, the bullets will come out faster and more will be fired.

Dash and Dive Kick

The Cockslime runs with his high cowboy boots then dive kicks low to the ground with the boots in front of him.

Cardboard Target

Occasionally, a large cardboard cutout of a cowboy will fall from the sky, creating a target for Peppino’s bullets to hit. It also can act as a shield for The Vigilante, as the bullets only hit the cutout. It will be destroyed after 5 small bullets, or can be dispatched with one big bullet.

Dynamite Toss

The Vigilante throws dynamite high into the air, exploding on contact with the ground. If the small explosion the dynamite creates touches the player it will hurt them, but not the dynamite sticks themselves. The amount of dynamite The Vigilante throws is random.

Bullet Spray

The Vigilante jumps high into the sky, firing a cheese Uzi towards the ground as he flies by.

Dead Grandpa

At 4 HP, The Cockslime's dead farmer grandfather, John E. Cum, will start appearing through out the fight. John will slowly fly towards the player with a pitchfork, but can be dispatched by a single bullet.


The Cockslime jumps high into the air, and takes a shit towards the middle of the arena, creating an explosion on impact and a shockwave travelling outwards.


The Vigilante slowly moves around the arena with a fire-spitting flamethrower.

Herd Call

The Cockslime calls up to drop a crate onto the stage. After the box drops, a cow spawns. The cow will bounce around the arena for a while, but can be taken down with bullets.

Phase 2

After getting hit 9 times, The Cockslime regenerates his HP back and his attacks become faster. The pattern of attacks is also different, relying mostly on singular attacks, rather than multiple:

  • Dynamite Toss
  • Dash and Dive Kick
  • Cum Bullets
  • Dynamite Toss; Bazooka
  • Herd Call (only once); Flamethrower
  • Herd Call; Bullet Spray
  • Herd Call; Dash and Dive Kick

Quick Draw Finale

After finishing the second phase, the Quick Draw duel starts. Once the word "DRAW" appears, the player needs to shoot The Cockslime for the final hit. The timer is not very strict, however if the player fails to do so, The Cockslime fucks Peppino first, and the last attack repeats. If the player shoots before "DRAW" appears, the result will be the same as if the timer would ran out.

Boss Rematch

After beating the Final Boss' 2nd Phase, the villain will bring in the four previous boss characters, and sends each of them to attack. Despite each boss having 8 HP and extra 8 HP afterwards, 4 HP will be drained per hit. The player fights each of the bosses one by one, they use some of the same attacks as before. After defeating Pepperman, Gustavo will appear for you to grab and throw him at the remaining 3 bosses to stun them.

The Cockslime is the second boss refought. The player is forced to throw Gustavo at him, as they are not given a gun.

The Cockslime will attack in this order:

  • Dynamite Toss; Cum Bullets; Dash and Dive Kick
  • Dynamite Toss; Cum Bullets; Dash and Dive Kick
  • Bazooka; Dash and Dive Kick; Bullet Spray; Flamethrower
  • Dynamite Toss; Dash and Dive Kick

After 4 hits, The Cockslime will go down, and the player will face The Goise.

In the comics

The Cockslime appears in The Sexual, The Horny, and The Even Hornier comics.

In The Sexual, The Horny, and The Even Hornier, he is the stripper of a western town and is first seen while Kool-aid man was attacking the club. After Kool-aid man barges into his building and asks if he was the stripper of the town, he quickly strips. Afterwards, he is seen tied up on the pole alongside the banker of the town while Kool-aid man and his flavours were robbing the bank.


For early appearances and scrapped ideas, see the pre-release page here: The Cockslime/Pre-release

Chef Tasks



  • The Cockslime, then known as Stripper Cheeseslime, was originally created as a mod for Mega Man 8-bit Deathmatch. PTG was feeling tired of drawing Peppino, so he opted to do a Cheeseslime with a cowboy hat instead. He ended up liking him enough to make him an important character in the main game.
The teaser picture showing the 4 possible characters.
  • Before it was revealed that The Cockslime would be a playable Stripper, Cock Tower Guy had been teasing a third playable character for around a week in the Discord server with a picture showing 4 possible characters it could be, those being Gustavo, Kool-aid man, Sonic, or The Cock Slime, then known as Stripper Cheeseslime, and gave various hints to who it could be. These hints included:
    • Already exists in Cock Tower lore
    • Angry
    • Inspired by an old actor
    • A band that's relevant still has a popular song relating to the actor and/or character
      • The "inspired by an old actor" hint refers to Clint Eastwood, while the "band that's still relevant" in question is Gorillaz.
    • Doesn't drink beer.
    • One interesting thing of note about this image, is that all of these characters ended up becoming playable at some point, but Snick ended up being SAGE 2019 Demo exclusive, and Kool-aid man's appearance in Refrigerator-Refrigerador-Freezerator was scrapped. In the end, Gustavo was the only one of the four who ended up playable in the final game.


Regular animations

Boss Fight projectiles


In-game miscellaneous